Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Immediate Intervention

"O LORD, I am calling to You. Please hurry! Listen when I cry to You for help!" Psalm 141:1

And the story in Italy continues to unfold and I have to share. This is our God!

Last evening I found this update:

"Ok friends. Specific prayer request. Been trying to get our insurance to cut through red tape so that my husband can get the surgery he desperately needs. I was literally on the phone non-stop for 6 hours today from ICU trying to get them to send the authorization. Please help storm the Throne Room to expedite this extremely slow process! Thanks so much!"

Upon reading this, my husband and I immediately went to prayer, asking God to move in miraculous ways. I claimed Isaiah 60:22, "At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen", trusting this need to His sovereign care.

Awakening today I reached for my phone to look for any further news. This is what I read:

"God is answering prayer! Last night I received a call from Andrea (Andrew) who is an acquaintance of our brother-in-law's cousin. He said, 'I am working on your behalf. What is your biggest concern?' I said it was cutting through the bureaucracy documentation so my husband can have surgery. And a place to stay near the hospital after Sunday."

"Someone called us later this morning and said, 'I am calling to tell you Andrea reached out to me, your husband WILL have surgery tomorrow, no more documentation needed. And I will call back with accommodations for you.'"

"I melted on the bed praising our Father for moving the mountain!!!"

Every prayer being lifted is being answered. My friend later received confirmation reassuring her that her husband is currently clinically stable and at no immediate risk. All the insurance information did indeed arrive, and surgery will proceed today. Accommodation is also being secured near the hospital for the remainder of their stay in Italy.

I literally sobbed as I read her message this morning. Just as the Psalmist cried out in need, the desperate cry for help last night saw the immediacy of God's answer. This stands in stark contrast to the Israelites being conquered in 1 Samuel 4, when they question, "Why did the LORD allow us to be defeated by the Philistines?" 

Some prayers for a "hurry" are met with a "hold up". It's possible you are there now. You might even feel cynical to read another account of how God so quickly intervenes for others as your wait continues for days, months, and possibly years. 

We want sudden relief from any trial, but instead God sometimes gives strength to pray with more intensity. As I read recently, "Any physician will tell you, the stronger the cry, the stronger the child." Faith has the opportunity to grow as deliverance is postponed. It is a tribute to God's power when a weak vessel endures in His strength. Persevering until the end and waiting on His purposes without seeing immediate relief is a testimony we would rather someone else illustrate, but God has chosen you. Don't get angry, resentful or envious of others. God loves you no less. He is deepening His intimacy with you and emboldening your trust. 

Any relationship that sustains through suffering and silence is strengthened. The life situation that God has appointed for each one of us is so that we will seek and find Him. Listening to every cry for help is a loving God who is good, faithful and true. Keep crying out to Him. Rest in the confidence of His unfailing love, caring sovereignty and tender mercy.

Quote: The Christian in Complete Armour, Volume One by William Gurnall; The Banner of Truth Trust; Copyright 1986

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