Monday, May 6, 2024

Partial Obedience

"...they failed to..." Judges 1:19b

Failure. It is defined as a lack of success in doing or achieving something. You miss the mark and don't meet the intended, desirable objective. Neglecting to do what was needed, the outcome is unsuccessful. We have no doubt all experienced it at some time. Even with our best effort, test results can reflect a lower grade, the team can miss the win and we can lack the ability to reach our goal. Some failure is not for a lack of trying, but we just don't always measure-up.

The Israelites were instructed to drive out all the inhabitants of their new land so that they wouldn't blend in with the people around them and begin acting like them, worshipping their gods. Instead of successfully evicting the previous land-owners, the tribes of Israel failed to live up to their commitment. They didn't drive out all the people living in the land, but instead moved in and lived among these foreigners. Now all the ungodly influences were impacting their lives. Living in their midst, the practices of these enemies were being adopted by the Israelites instead of abolished.

Sometimes I think if we would only consider the ramifications of disobedience. The Israelites failed because they refused to obey the command of the Lord. They chose to fail. They could have saved themselves so much heartache and trouble by following the Lord's direction, not just generally, or mostly but specifically and entirely.

Wondering today about things I have partially obeyed. Partial obedience is not obedience. I remember a few years ago the Lord really spoke to me about my TV and video viewing. If you knew how little television I actually watch you'd probably laugh and question why I would even worry, but I felt the Lord drawing me to a deeper level of holiness as He was refining all that I was putting before my eyes and into my mind and heart. I felt impressed to once again weed out our collection of television series and movies. One series is still especially hard to part with. Although I have not pulled it out since the day God cautioned me, I'm struggling to let it go. If I mentioned it by name, I'm sure many would laugh and question my sanity, but I have to be true to the Holy Spirit's prompting to my heart. In general, the episodes are extremely clean, fun and enjoyable, but the Lord was heightening scenes that weren't visualized but dramatized. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know what was happening behind closed doors with unmarried couples even if it wasn't blatantly displayed on full screen. 

The problem with failing to drive out everything, over time what remains begins to be acceptable again. What was once prohibited becomes permissible. When we fail to fully walk in obedience to the Lord, we miss the delight that accompanies following Him and experiencing the enabling intervention of His power in us, His support around us and His joy over us.

Failure to obey God has consequences, but it does not have to be fatal. Is there anything that God has required of you that you have resisted or restricted? Are you condoning what God has convicted? Relinquish it to Him today and rejoice as you walk in obedience.

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