Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Handfuls of Purpose

"And let fall also some of the handfuls of purpose for her, and leave them, that she may glean them, and rebuke her not." Ruth 2:16 (KJV)

I still remember the first time I noticed this verse. Years ago, while working on a Bible study entitled, "Ruth - loss, love and legacy" by Kelly Minter, I came across the phrase "handfuls of purpose". Immediately it grabbed my attention. The account of Ruth is one of unbearable loss, but through it all she is a woman of such integrity and commitment. After accompanying her mother-in-law back to Bethlehem, following he death of both their husbands, she just "happens" to find herself working in a field that belongs to Boaz, the relative of her father-in-law Elimelech. Not only did Boaz instruct his workers to let Ruth gather grain among the sheaves, but they were actually told to pull out some heads of barley from the bundles and drop them intentionally for Ruth to pick up. 

"Handfuls of purpose". Something about that phrase resonates deeply in my heart. I love that! Such a beautiful word picture. Maybe it falls on my heart so deeply because I feel that I too have been the recipient of handful after handful of God's purposeful care for me.

What incredible favour. Ruth wasn't just gathering food from the fringes of the field, but from the very fingers of her kinsmen redeemer. Boaz foreshadowed the coming of our Redeemer, the One who calls us from the outskirts as outcasts and welcomes us, giving us "handfuls of purpose."

I read a commentary that expressed how "It is a picture of how God goes before each one of His toiling servants and lets fall 'handfuls of purpose' - some tokens of His goodness, some special encouragement, some evidence of His care, that serves to keep us moving forward and keep our hearts bent on the divine task. Has there not been a time in your life when, overcome with the weight and burden of the day, you were about ready to give up the task God had given you, and suddenly He let fall some 'handful of purpose'? Have you not experienced such a moment of divine encouragement? Perhaps it was a word in a sermon, a word from Scripture which was quickened by the Spirit to your heart, or perhaps a line in a devotional commentary. How gracious and loving is our Lord." (Selwyn Hughes)

How has God graced you with His "handfuls of purpose"? Maybe you've been about to quit, or sadness is so overwhelming you don't think you can fake another smile. Have you felt forgotten and alone, and then suddenly and unexpectedly something or someone blesses you in a way that words can't even describe and you know God sees and knows? At that moment, in your heart, everything changes. 

Just recently God timed my favourite hymn, "How Great Thou Art", as the closing offering of worship for our church service. Circumstances were weighing heavy and I was weary. As soon as the opening chords began to play, I knew, and with tears in my eyes I thanked the Lord for this gift to my soul. Not only did it bless my heart, but reminded me of His greatness in the midst of my struggle. "Handfuls of purpose." Or the message that arrived surprisingly that had me crying as friends offered their loving help to fulfill a desire of mine while my husband recovers from heart surgery. "Handfuls of purpose." Or the dear one who sent me an audio recording of the gift her son created just for her, but the timing of its arrival and its words speak to me more than she will ever know. "Handfuls of purpose." God uses the hands of others often to deliver His handfuls of purpose.

Today I encourage you to look for ways that God is intentionally scattering handfuls of purpose to encourage your heart. Receive His bounty and give Him thanks.


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