Monday, September 21, 2009


“The other priests, Levites, and the rest of the Israelites lived wherever their family inheritance was located in any of the towns of Judah.” Nehemiah 11:20

Inheritance. You know what I find incredible? Yesterday not only did I watch a video clip of a Beth Moore study with this title, but my Pastor spoke on a passage from Joshua which also spoke of inheritance.

The Israelites were living in their inheritance. It’s a place of promised, secure rest and blessing. It’s not just yet to be in the future, it’s now. It’s not only a place, it’s a Person.

If you are a Christ-follower, think for just a moment of all that is yours in Christ. Jesus death has already made the way for us to claim our inheritance. Have you laid hold of what is yours in Christ? Are you living as one who has limitless supply available to you? Are you embracing the fullness of Christ in your life?

Father, today, I want all of my inheritance. I want to go forward, with courage, and take hold of all You have planned for me. Jesus, I want all of You.

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Anonymous said...


elaine @ peace for the journey said...

I'm so excited you've finally made it to Nehemiah. You know I wrote a complete Bible study on this book, so I'm reading your entries here with heightened anticipation. I remember writing thoughts on chapter 11; one thing that sticks out to me here is that when the people returned, they had to reclaim what was rightly theirs.

So often in our walks of faith it is the same. We experience Promised Land living, only to move away for a season for a multitude of reasons and then realizing it belongs to us all along!

Got to walk back and reclaim it. As we begin to consider all that we've been given, then we'd do well to lay claim to that, don't you think?!

Love you friend.


~Grace and Peace said...

That is an awesome reminder.

The answer is No because sometimes I forget about the inheritance and settle for the crumbs.

It is true, though, isn't it? We have the resources available to us to live for the Kingdom. We have the Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the way. We only need to stay still and listen.

Last night at church I saw someone whom I haven't seen since March - the last women's conference. She told me that eversince she surrendered her life to the Lord, things have been happening. She has a book accepted by an editor. She just wrote it in July - yes, 2 months ago! (I can't even post on my blog with any regularity.) She said she doesn't know how she did it because she was able to finish everything in such a short time. Everything just flowed. She sure claimed her inheritance didn't she?

On Purpose said...

I feel like a little pink tiara was placed on my head from reading this post here's a little gift from my Jesus via your beautiful spirit and heart! Thank you!

Deb said...

Somtimes, I get confused.

Thinking that what I have now.

And what I plan to acquire.

Is my inheritance.


He's my Inheritance!

I'm a rich girl.

Sweet dreams.

Tim and Susan said...

We are already blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ!

Laura said...

I love how you say our inheritance is not just a place--it's a person! Wow! Why this truth takes me aback, I cannot explain...He gave all so I could live a rich life.

At least for today, I'm getting this. Though, I have to agree with Elaine, I often go back and forth between this place and another.

Thanks, Joy!