Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Mrs. Peter"

“When Jesus arrived at Peter’s house, Peter’s mother-in-law was sick in bed with a high fever.” Matthew 8:14

Peter’s mother-in-law.

Peter was married.

I wonder how “Mrs. Peter” felt about her husband being one of Jesus close companions. I wonder if she ever felt like her husband didn’t give her enough of his time. I wonder if she resented managing the household when he was gone travelling so much. I wonder if she was envious of the time her husband was blessed to spend with the Messiah. I wonder if she was lonely. I wonder if she felt like she lived in a shadow, without even a name. I wonder if she questioned or became angry as he walked away from his fishing business without even talking it over with her. I wonder if she struggled being married to a man in full time ministry. I wonder how she felt as she saw his weaknesses portrayed in his denial of Christ.

I think as wife’s we can go through seasons where it might feel like our husband’s are married to their job…or their sports team…or their tools…or their mother's...or their ministry position and we feel abandoned. I’m sure Peter’s wife was no different than you or I. I’m sure she often had to pray for understanding and patience.

Lord, I pray for those today whose wife or husband has been taken away for a season for whatever reason. Father, may Your presence be with them in a very real way. Grant them an extra measure of Your grace. Lord, where these spouses have been called by You into service, help family members to understand that their acceptance enables their loved one to respond in obedience to You. May we not make that following even more difficult by complaining and accusing. Father let these precious ones know how very much You love them, and that this is Your calling for them today.

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Sharon Sloan said...

Dear Joy:

Wives of Peters are both blessed and challenged. I have several dear friends who are Pastor's Wives. God has given me a special heart for them. The joy and the struggles of this role of "Mrs. Peter" (love that title!) must be viewed in the shadow of the cross. Eternal glory. Eternal perspective. Eternal reward.

Joy, I am going to call a few of the Mrs. Peters in my life today to encourage them and pray them.

Thank you!


~Grace and Peace said...

Joining you in prayer for the Mrs. Peters (and the actual Peters) of this world.