Sunday, August 11, 2024

He Knows

"LORD, You know the hopes of the helpless. Surely You will hear their cries and comfort them." Psalm 10:17

When the driver experienced a cardiac arrest while stopped at a red light, with one van in front, the Enclave slowly moved forward nudging the vehicle and coming to rest. As the driver of the van came back to see what had happened, a nurse passing by in an adjacent lane, running late for her next home-care appointment, looked over and seeing the driver slumped across the steering wheel, instantly realized this was a medical emergency. Pulling her car to the side, at a very busy intersection, she raced across lanes of traffic to get to the person in need. At the same time, an off-duty police officer who was just leaving a local McDonald's restaurant saw the accident and crossed over to assist. 

Because the driver's side window was down, the officer was able to reach into the car, unlock the door, quickly pull the gentleman out, and the nurse immediately began CPR. She diligently kept this up until EMS arrived. Her last visual of this driver was not encouraging. In all the time she was there, his heart had not responded to her efforts.

Absolutely nothing prepares you to respond to a persistent knock on the door and upon opening it find a police officer. Getting ready to leave on vacation in less than an hour, I had returned from an appointment, and not finding my husband at home I decided to make a quick batch of muffins to take on our journey. They were about half-cooked when this interruption came and life was unexpectedly turned around.

Hearing that Gord had experienced a cardiac arrest while driving and that he currently had no vitals, the officer asked if he could drive me to the local hospital. He waited while I attended to my baking, removing the trays and turning the oven off, then grabbing my cell phone charger we were on our way. On route to the hospital, I discovered our son was at a rehearsal at the church, and quite incredibly we were approaching the building, so the officer swung in the driveway and we picked him up. Such a grace of God so that I wouldn't be physically alone upon arriving at the hospital. The officer also received a call during our short ride, that medics had managed to shock Gord's heart into beating again. Huge praise!

Walking into that critical care, emergency room, my husband was hooked up to more machines and tubes then I had ever seen. It was like something off of a television show. It is funny what our eyes take in at these moments. I still remember one running shoe laying sideways on the floor and the nurse apologizing, saying they had no idea where the other shoe was at the moment. Shoes were the least of my concerns. 

Gord was on a ventilator as well as other devices. It was the Lord and only the Lord who provided the strength to stay standing by his bedside. My son Chris was a rock, providing support for me, even while struggling in his own way. An incredible peace swept over my heart that was indescribable. As family gathered outside and friends began to be notified of our need, not only did they surround us at the hospital, but many prayers were being lifted on our behalf. God certainly knew the hopes of the helpless and heard our cries, comforting us.

This was my experience a year ago today. Although the past twelve months have been difficult with delays, challenges, other diagnosis, change in lifestyle, surrendering and sacrificing so much for the sake of my husband's health, the Lord has continually provided. I love how this verse says the Lord "knows" the hopes of the helpless. That is how intimately and instantly He is aware of our longings. His hand was in every detail a year ago, right down to the van in front of Gord's vehicle preventing him from rolling into oncoming traffic in a busy intersection. The nurse wasn't late, she was right on time. It was not a coincidence an off-duty officer was just finishing his lunch at that exact location. God had everyone in place because He knew the hopes of the helpless and He continues to hear our cries and speak comfort into this long journey. The same is true for whatever situation you are facing. God knows.

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