Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Rejoicing In Our Refuge

"But let all who take refuge in You rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever. Spread Your protection over them, that all who love Your name may be filled with joy. For You bless the godly, O LORD; You surround them with Your shield of love." Psalm 5:11-12

Refuge - That which shelters or protects from danger, or from distress, trouble, unhappiness or calamity; a stronghold which protects by its strength, or a sanctuary which secures safety by its sacredness; a place inaccessible to an enemy (as defined by Websters).

When you think about God being your refuge, what picture comes to mind? Do you associate the word with a walled-city or a strong, imposing fortress? When I envision the Lord being my fortress, I think of an impenetrable structure that surrounds me so completely absolutely nothing can touch or harm me without His being aware. There are emotions that accompany my imaginings too. Peace. Confidence. Rest. Security.

Years ago, when my son was working on a project for school, he had to create a legend for symbols on a map he was designing. One of the elements of the assignment was to somehow portray the idea of refuge. He approached me and asked, "Mom, what can I draw to depict a sense of security?" 

Without any hesitation I immediately answered, "Well, I know what I would draw. I would sketch either an empty tomb or a cross, because my security is found in Christ alone."

The "right" Bible answer if there ever was one! Yet, as I consider the Lord as my refuge today, I hear God speaking to my heart, "Joy, if I am your refuge, why do you live life so afraid?" An honest question.

The Psalmist David describes a time when enemies were rising against him, but he knew where to run. The Lord was his strong tower (Proverbs 18:10). Our Heavenly Father longs to be our hiding place. His refuge doesn't mean that we won't experience difficulties, but His shield of love will surround us as we face our battles. Struggles intended to grow our trust will touch our lives, but we can remain under the shelter of His care through the hardship.

If God truly is our refuge, our response will always be joy! David declares that those who truly experience the Lord as their shelter will sing joyful praises forever, and that they will be filled with joy. An indicator that we have the assurance of God being our stronghold is the evidence of joy. Our words declare the praise of the One who continues to be our place of peace in any storm.

Our trust in the Lord must result in joy. Joy is the measuring stick that confirms our dependence is on Him. Someone who is truly resting in His care can only respond with joy, because in His presence is fulness of joy (Psalm 16:11). It is impossible to be so near to the Lord and surrounded by His shield of love without a response of rejoicing.

The question becomes, are we professing that Christ is our refuge while clinging to other people and things for protection? Are we responding with the right words, knowing truth, but not living truth? The refuge God offers His children is everlasting, so our joy should be ongoing. Having God by our side should make us glad. Joy is the privilege of the believer. I've heard it said that trust is the backbone of joy and joy is the overflow of trust. The two are really inseparable. If we claim to know, love and trust the Lord, if we take Him as our refuge, joy will be the result. Does your joy despite circumstances declare that Christ is Your refuge today?

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