Thursday, August 29, 2024

Just Smile!

"When they were discouraged, I smiled at them." Job 29:24a

There is a gentleman at our church who is the most genuinely, happy guy I have ever met. It does not matter where or when you encounter him, he is always smiling! Whether in the church foyer, fulfilling his role for years as a transit driver, meeting him unexpectedly in the grocery store or shopping mall, his countenance is continually one that reflects joy. I know that as a father of three boys, there must be times of discipline and I am sure he faces disappointments like the rest of us, but he has chosen to reflect an encouraging and pleasant profile to others.

There is tremendous value in a smile. As I searched Merriam-Webster for a definition, I was both surprised and delighted to discover that it was described first as a facial expression in which the eyes brightened. A smile is not just a curve upward on the corners of our mouth. It includes other features on our face as well. When we smile, we engage more than our mouth in its making, reflecting a pleasing expression that is usually then met with a similar response in return.

I wonder if we really understand the value of a simple smile. It is so easy to do and costs nothing. Yes, sometimes a smile can be an effort when going through difficult times, but generally speaking it can be given away continually while not depleting our supply. A smile is one of the most basic forms of communication and its language is universal.

Years ago, when our schedules allowed, I used to walk with a dear friend quite often. I learned a lot from her. Every single person we passed on the sidewalk, she would smile and speak a short greeting. I can't tell you how much this impacted me. Being more of an introvert, I admit that until then I would most often just pass by another walker in silence, but her example changed my behaviour. Over the past several years I have followed her lead. I look each person in the eye, smile and speak a salutation. Even the ones who would prefer to keep their heads down and make no contact, are met with my smile and hello. Most often I receive a smile or nod in return.

In Job's response, the worth of this small gesture is mentioned. To the discouraged, a smile brightens their day. It is one of the least expensive, easiest, yet priceless gifts we can give to someone. Not only that, but smiles tend to be infectious. It is almost impossible for a smile not to be contagious. This actually then creates a ripple effect influencing others to smile too. Smiles are just so inspiring!

It has been said that smiles enrich those who receive them without impoverishing those who give. Not only is a smiling, radiant appearance scriptural for Christ-followers as we reflect the joy of the Lord, but the act of smiling is beneficial to us physically as well. Researchers have discovered that smiling reduces stress tremendously and increases our capability to deal with problems. In some cases, a "smiler" has lower blood pressure and heightened immunity.

This wordless action communicates kindness, friendship and welcome. A smile is an extension of Christ's love in us overflowing through us. There are far too many serious, sour and stone-faced people who need to be recipients of this all-important, authentic blessing.

The wisest man who ever lived recognized the value of a smile. Proverbs 15:30 says, "A cheerful look brings joy to the heart..." Let's strive to smile more and use this built-in tool God gave us to spread His love. 

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