Sunday, August 25, 2024

LORD of Heaven's Armies

"Who is the King of glory? The LORD of Heaven's Armies - He is the King of glory." Psalm 24:10

Do you ever feel outnumbered? Certainly, when in secular settings we can sense, that as Christ-followers, we are part of a minority. We can look around and be intimidated when surrounded by those who do not know the Lord or prioritize godly ways. We may feel discouraged, beaten, defeated. How can our voice make any impact when there is clearly more against us than for us? How can we gain victory when facing such vast opposition? It is so easy to forget that what we see in the physical is not all there is. We are surrounded by a spiritual army who comes to our defense. When evil appears to be prevailing, it only means the battle is not over yet.

An army, by definition, is an organized, armed fighting force. Generally, armies are large in number, and brought together for a particular purpose. When we hear the word "army" we think of those trained for war. They are fighters. Warriors. They carry weapons to destroy the enemy. They appear fierce and frightening. They have one objective; to win the battle.

Our God is the LORD of Heaven's Armies. Does the use of plural vocabulary there not give us such courage? As believers, our Heavenly Father commands hosts of experienced soldiers instructed in combat who respond in obedience to His sovereignty. The Lord is strong and mighty and His strength is like no other. At His disposal at all times are those who willingly engage in battles on behalf of His children, and they are undefeated.

However, not only does God have charge of all the hosts of heaven, but all creatures are under His command. Alexander Maclaren put it this way, "In fact, the conception underlying the name (LORD of Heaven's Armies), is that of the universe as an ordered whole, a disciplined army, a cosmos obedient to His voice." This is echoed in the words David pens at the beginning of Psalm 24, "The earth is the LORD's and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to Him." There is nothing outside of God's ownership. 

At times it can seem discouraging to look around at the chaos of our world. We may struggle to see the Lord's dominion over the earth when evil appears to be winning. The LORD of Heaven's Armies not only references the hosts that gather in His name and serve at His command, but it speaks of God's strength and the security we can know as His children. The presence and power of the enemy is continually before us. We do not need to look far to see Satan's hand at work. As we step into each day we need the confidence of knowing the might of God in us and around us.

Being a visual learner, I love to picture being encircled by the Lord's army. The truth is, there is an accuser whose troops are always on the march, seeking a way to wound and defeat us as we live for Christ. However, we have the LORD of Heaven's Armies flanking us on every side. Does that not bolster our courage? We never walk into situations without Christ leading a company of His warriors to guard us. Most evil we face has a spiritual component that requires a spiritual conqueror. God is always at work fighting the sin that makes every effort to destroy us. When demonic agents threaten to deceive our hearts, the Lord's army, always deployed and at our disposal, acts in our defense. 

Today I pray that the LORD of Heaven's Armies will help you continue to fight the good fight of faith as He encompasses you with His mighty power and hand of hope.

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