Tuesday, August 13, 2024

On His Throne!

"Help, O LORD, for the godly are fast disappearing! The faithful have vanished from the earth!...The LORD replies, 'I have seen violence done to the helpless, and I have heard the groans of the poor. Now I will rise up to rescue them, as they have longed for Me to do.'..." Psalm 12:1, 5

The richness of God's Word overwhelms me. Today, reading Psalm 12 along with Nehemiah 7-9 we see the Lord rising up, rescuing and fulfilling the longings of His people. Although written thousands of years ago, we look around and echo the sentiment of David. Those who claim to be followers of Christ seem to be disappearing. We reflect over the names of great saints who impacted previous generations. Tozer, Spurgeon, Lewis. We think of the great biographies of Mueller, Wesley, Taylor and others. Lives that inspired, sacrificed, and walked in radical trust, resulting in extraordinary testimonies. Even in more recent generations we mourn the loss of evangelists like Dr. Rev Billy Graham and missionary Nate Saint.

Nehemiah records in chapter 8:1 that "all the people assembled with a unified purpose...They asked Ezra the scribe to bring out the Book of the Law of Moses, which the LORD had given for Israel to obey." I don't know how long the reading took, but afterwards, time was given to explain the words shared, helping the people understand how to live righteously. Comprehension brought confession as the hearers realized their fallen state and the leaders led everyone in a prayer of praise to God. They might have been part of the retreating righteous, but repentance kept them from remaining named with those receding, and it can for us as well. Those struggling in their faith might be fading, but they don't have to completely disappear or become disqualified from finishing strong.

So incredible that the simple opening of God's Word brought such a gathering and response. It seems so often today that God's Word isn't center stage. Events are advertised with so many "extras" to entice a crowd. A schedule is put together with added activities that hope to draw a larger attendance. Workshops. Crafts. Nature hikes. Yoga. Pickleball. Not condemning any of these things, but they shouldn't be the main attraction. Hearing God's Word should not only be central, but the most desirable. The focus must be scripture. Most of us need a restored awe and wonder for His Word. How disagreeable some can become should a Pastor, on any given Sunday, being filled with the Holy Spirit, share a message that extends beyond the time we feel is acceptable. What has happened to our priorities?

What follows in Nehemiah 9 is one of the most glorious passages in Scripture. Years of history are shared as the people remember and glorify the Lord. We see the falling away again and again of those who were part of the "faithful". There were many detours, delays, obstacles, opposition, distractions, personal mistakes, but time after time we read how God saw, heard, arose and rescued, fulfilling the longings of the people.

The prayer lifted to the Lord has one topic. God...only God. In fact, Nehemiah 9:6 begins, "You alone are the LORD." Absolutely no one compares with Yahweh. Just briefly looking over the descriptive words we see that God makes, preserves, fulfills promises, sees, hears, displays, knows, divides, hurls, gives, instructs, commands, remains, extends mercy, sends, never stops giving, sustains, helps, places, subdues, blesses, hands over, listens, rescues, loves, waits, allows, keeps, showers, sets and is! He is "the great and mighty and awesome God" (9:32). "What a gracious and merciful God You are!" (9:31b)

As the Lord rose to rescue His people so many years ago when the godly were vanishing, so He rises today. His character and attributes remain the same. As He was then, He is now. The deep, unmet longings of His people will again see His sovereign hand provide. As lyrics echo in one of the songs my son Chris wrote in his modern oratorio, "It is Written", when it appears the godly are gone, the faithful have vanished, the wicked are flourishing and the wait seems long, God is on His throne, ruling righteously! We cannot lose hope! He is aware of our longings, and rising to rescue in His perfect time.

"On His Throne", created by Christopher R. Brown, CB Press, copyright 2023

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