Monday, August 19, 2024

"Take Me Along With You"

"Then Queen Esther, the daughter of Abihail, along with Mordecai the Jew, wrote another letter putting the queen's full authority behind Mordecai's letter to establish the Festival of Purim." Esther 9:29

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As a teenager, I was part of a girls' choir, The Oshawa Festival Singers. There were two sisters, a little older than myself, who had the most gorgeous voices, and their harmonies were exquisite. Not only could they sing, but the glimmer and glee in their eyes as they sang, animated their performances and made them favourites to many. One of the first duets I ever heard them share was entitled, "Take Me Along With You". The lyrics to that melody have recaptured my thoughts today in the reading of Esther.

The book of Esther is a thrilling retelling of a young woman who bravely fulfilled her calling, ascending to the throne of Persia and being instrumental in saving her people, the Jews, from annihilation. There are so many encouragements and take-aways. God's name is never mentioned in the ten chapters, but His presence is seen through His people as they trust in His prevailing providence.

All the characters are key and each detail is vital to the outcome of the situation. Just when circumstances look completely hopeless, a king has a sleepless night and a reversal begins that sees the enemy destroyed and the Jewish people saved. Although Esther is hailed as the hero and praised for her courage, her cousin Mordecai certainly played a valuable supporting role. Mordecai was Esther's "along with". Although physically separated through much of the pages of Esther, it was his influence and inspiration that motivated her to fulfill her calling.

Last evening I was reading the "Acknowledgements" in the back of a book I had just completed. Yes, I'm one of those people who read an entire book from cover to cover. The author was crediting her grandfather. She said the reader was holding in their hands the result of a Papa believing that her words mattered. "Every word I've ever written and will ever write is because you loved me, believed me, challenged me, and helped me center myself every time I lost my way." He was her "along with".

Rarely do lone rangers accomplish great tasks. There might be one person who takes the final step of action, but behind them is a team of dedicated supporters who were the strength and stamina, holding them up and lovingly pushing them forward. Our destiny's will not be fulfilled without our "along withs".

We need to work in conjunction with others. We should never be a one-man-show. There is a joy in partnership that is unspeakable. As I reflect back on those who motivate me to be more than I think I am or can be, names flood my mind. I am so very thankful for the village of family and friends who never stop their "withness".

There is no denying that Mordecai plays a vital role in the plot. Without Mordecai's refusal to bow to the evil Haman, the enemy's anger wouldn't have arisen, at least not yet. The actions of Esther's cousin move the storyline along, putting Esther in a position to seek the favour of the king.

It's vital to note, although a scheduled scheme is devised to eliminate God's people, no man-made strategy subjected on any of God's children moves forward against the Lord's command. As Christ-followers we are never at the mercy of evil. God is in control and sovereign over all things. A colossal turnaround can suddenly change the trajectory of history as the Lord intervenes on behalf of His people.

Today, not only am I thankful for the "along with" companions who have kept me embracing all the Lord has for me, but I also want to consider who needs me to be their "along with", offering words of truth that will help them follow the Lord for such a time as this.

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