Monday, August 26, 2024

Our Mediator

"I need someone to mediate between God and me, as a person mediates between friends." Job 16:21

Sometimes situations and relationships need the intervention of someone who can help bring reconciliation and a peaceful resolution to a conflict. They step in as a representative, offering wise counsel as they arbitrate as a third, independent party. Many companies have unions with trained personnel who go forward on behalf of employees who require someone to advocate for them.

A mediator has to possess several qualifications. The people on both sides must be agreeable with the choice of mediator. He or she must be someone who is open to the perspectives of both parties, without favouritism to either. The mediator's decision must not be argued and this person should try and settle the situation in a way that leaves the two sides agreeable.

This is now the second time Job has requested a mediator. In Job 9:33 he says, "If only there were a mediator between us, someone who could bring us together." He longs for someone to plead on his behalf to God. He wants a middleman. God seemed so distant and Job is very aware that he is unworthy to stand before God. He needs a Saviour. He is longing for Jesus.

Sadly, many think that one day they will be able to stand before God and give their own defense. Believing their good deeds outnumber any bad things they have done, they foolishly think they will be able to argue any charges brought against them, and win. They don't realize that God will place before them every unkind word, every evil thought, every wicked deed and they will have no reasonable response, excuse or justifiable argument to support their rationalizations. 

Like Job, we too are unworthy to stand before God. We deserve condemnation, but unlike Job, we have a Mediator, Jesus Christ. "For, there is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity - the man Christ Jesus. He gave His life to purchase freedom for everyone." (1 Timothy 2:5-6a) All who have placed their trust in the Lord, although guilty and deserving condemnation, Christ comes and stands between us and His Father and says, "It's OK. I have paid the price for their sin on the cross."

Not only is Jesus our Mediator, but Scripture tells us that He is always interceding on our behalf. "Who then will condemn us? No one - for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and He is sitting in the place of honour at God's right hand, pleading for us." (Romans 8:34)

Job foresaw the need that would one day be fulfilled in Jesus. "Job is laying the foundation here in his own understanding for the tremendous revelation that comes in the New Testament when God becomes man." (Ray Stedman) Christ is both Mediator and Advocate before God the Father. Job saw dimly what we know clearly. In the confusion of his suffering Job longed for someone who fully understood all he was experiencing, who could present his case before God, one arm around Job's shoulder, and the other arm embracing God, reconciling both. 

Jesus is the only one, as both God and man, who could be the bridge of propitiation. It is only because of Christ's mediation that we can know salvation. Jesus alone is the way of access to the Father. To refuse the Mediator is to refuse knowing peace with God. May we lay hold of Christ, surrendering our lives to Him. Through Jesus it is possible for sinful humans to approach a Holy God.

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