Saturday, August 10, 2024

Repairing Walls

"Each one repaired the section immediately across from his own house." Nehemiah 3:28b

Earlier today my sister and her husband sent us pictures of our trailer. Not able to get north this summer because of my husband's health concerns, Japhia and John do a walk-through of our home-away-from-home every time they have opportunity to stay at their own vacation location just down the street. The pictures revealed that the sunroom has pulled away from the trailer proper and there are big gaps that need repair. I hate the thought of all the bugs and little critters that currently could gain access to a free hotel and the damage these little animals could do. Over the years, Gord has done maintenance on our trailer, but without being there this summer, issues are arising. It doesn't take long for walls to break down and gates to be destroyed.

Upon learning of the state of the remnant and Jerusalem, Nehemiah sits downs and weeps for days, mourning, fasting and praying. His heart is broken by the news relayed to him. When was the last time that something that breaks the heart of God moved you in this way? Until our heart breaks, we won't repair what is broken. I always think it is so interesting that God places different burdens on our hearts, awakening awareness to the needs that surround us. My sister has a heart for Teen Challenge. She has written letters to all the graduates in the program and crocheted them prayer shawls. She gives financially to the ministry and supports them in any way she can. Years ago, the Lord made me aware of the people in Uganda and the Amazima School and I have embraced that ministry as one that I partner with when able. If God highlights a ministry need to us, that is Him stirring our hearts to become involved.

While serving King Artaxerxes his wine, the king inquires as to Nehemiah's sad appearance. His answer reveals the need for the people in Jerusalem and the king agrees to the rebuilding of Jerusalem's wall. It is interesting to note that all the people who gathered to begin construction were not skilled labourers. Their vocations included a goldsmith, perfumer, ruler, gate-keeper, and High Priest. Women were also mentioned as co-workers. The construction crew were not necessarily specifically skilled for the task before them. Just because the job was not in an area of their expertise, it didn't excuse usefulness. We too need to remember that when duties need to be fulfilled. Frequently we rationalize any lack of involvement because it is just not in the field of our service, or we are too old, too young, or it is someone else's turn. The need is urgent, and requires stepping out of comfort zones and working together. Any breach to one is a breach to all. These people came together to serve the Lord with all their diverse skills and knowledge.

The people worked diligently, repairing the wall across from their homes. We must repair what is broken at home first. Our homes and our family our first priority. We have to start rebuilding walls of Christian distinctiveness inside our houses and with our people. Like the sunroom at our trailer drifting into disrepair, within the walls of our homes, cracks need attention to prevent complete destruction. If a wall is falling away, it will crumble completely without intervention to stop the eroding. 

What is it that matters to God that He has impressed on your heart to take action over? Just because it may not be your area of trained skill, your obedience to God's call will be met with His empowerment. Recognize that not everyone will buy into the plan of God. Nehemiah 3:5 tells us that there were some leaders who refused to work with the construction supervisors. Expect push-back, but do not let that stop you. It can be hard to move forward without the approval of some who rise in opposition against us, but we must be obedient to the Lord, even if it means walking alone.

Let's answer the call to repair our walls!

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