Thursday, August 1, 2024

Reporting For Duty!

"'My sons, do not neglect your duties any longer! The LORD has chosen you to stand in His presence, to minister to Him, and to lead the people in worship and present offerings to Him.'" "Hezekiah encouraged all the Levites regarding the skill they displayed as they served the LORD." 2 Chronicles 29:11, 30:22

An exclamation mark always catches my attention! Preceding words take on power. There is urgency and emphasis expressed. In this call to continue, the Lord is stirring hearts back to service.

Taking personal inventory, we need to all ask ourselves, have we become inactive or ineffective? Have we, or are we, neglecting our duty? There can be times, whether by choice or circumstance, when for one reason or another, we remove ourselves or pull back from formal ministry positions. There might be seasons that require us to serve quietly at home, caring for family needs or giving attention to our own health, but what about other times? Wondering, has stepping away been God's direction or our decision? Often weariness plays a part. Feeling overlooked, overwhelmed and unappreciated, we withdraw. We embrace the mentality that we have "done our duty", served in the nursery, led the Bible study for years, taught that Sunday School class, sang in the choir, served endless luncheons and cleaned up after enough events. It's someone else's turn.

Well, I've got news for us all. Regardless of age, attitude or ability, until the Lord calls us home, we have purpose and He has a plan. God isn't finished with us yet!

I remember years ago I was in desperate need of some time of refreshing. I was sure the Lord would understand if I stepped back from my position as Bible Study leader at our church. I was tired. I didn't feel like anything I was doing was benefiting the ladies who were faithfully attending the gathering each week. Ironically, at the time, we were studying Lysa TerKeurst's book, "What Happens When Women Say 'Yes' to God", and I wanted to say 'no'!

I approached my co-leader and asked her if she could take over the remainder of the year. She lovingly told me that she would, but only if I first agreed to pray about my decision for a week. No problem. I was sure God would just confirm what I already knew.

On the 7th day, I opened my Bible to have my morning time with the Lord, and this is what I read, "Stay at your post reading Scripture, giving counsel, teaching." (1 Timothy 4:11, The Message)

No easy road out. I was not to neglect my duties. The Lord, for some strange reason, had chosen this inadequate, weak vessel, and He did not want me to abandon this ministry.

As Hezekiah challenged the priests and Levites to no longer neglect their duties, He reminded them that they had been chosen by the Lord to stand in His presence, minister to Him and lead the people in worship. I love their response! The following verse begins, "Then these Levites got right to work..." They didn't hesitate or argue, but immediately jumped back in to ministry. They reopened the Temple, removed all the defiled things they found and had a time of rededication, offering sacrifices and singing praises. Scripture tells us that God saw their response and blessed their efforts by enabling everything to be accomplished so quickly (2 Chronicles 29:36).

I love how Hezekiah not only called the Levites back into active service, but then he followed up with encouragement. Let's not forget to express appreciation towards others. A little word of sincere praise goes a long way. We are often so quick to criticize, but maybe today your child's nursery worker needs a hug...your Pastor's wife would be uplifted by a precious note in the mail...the church custodian could be blessed by a coffee...the office secretary's heart might be uplifted with some fresh flowers. I don't know what God will place on your heart, but those who faithfully "stay at their post" would benefit and be refreshed knowing that they are seen. Proverbs 3:27 reminds us, "Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is in your power to act."

If we know the Lord as our personal Saviour, He wants us in active service. If we are uncertain exactly what that calling is right now, stand ready. God will reveal His plan to us. Be prepared that it may not be your first choice or preference, but we can experience great joy even in areas where we at first might reluctantly obey. As we wait for further instruction, search Scripture for all His revealed will, instructions such as loving our neighbour, acting justly, extending mercy, giving cheerfully, praying continually. Let's do it with our whole hearts, praising and honouring Him, whatever the task, big or small. As we look to Him to guide us in a specific and personal way, walk in compliance to all we know to do, and in the process, He will make His direction clear. 

He has recruited us. Today won't you join me in reporting for duty!

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