Tuesday, February 13, 2024

A God-Glow

"When Moses came down Mount Sinai carrying the two stone tablets inscribed with the terms of the covenant, he wasn't aware that his face had become radiant because he had spoken to the LORD...and the people of Israel would see the radiant glory of his face." Exodus 34:29, 35a

Driving to the dental office I began praying out loud in my car. The interior of my vehicle has heard a lot of words lifted to the Lord. Earlier that morning I had read about Moses' face shining as a result of being in God's presence and I prayed that my face would have a "God glow" that day, beginning with my early morning appointment. Father, because of my time in Your presence, may Your radiance shine through me so others will know that I have been with You.

Although I don't enjoy going to get my teeth checked, I love my hygienist and dentist. Dr. Sandra and I have known each other since childhood, so having a friend doing the needed work that arises does fill my heart with extra calm. My hygienist has changed over the years as different ones have come and gone, but the gal doing the cleaning this day was one of my favourites.

As I entered the treatment room and prepared for the regular routine she said to me, "I was so excited when I saw that you were my first patient today. Whenever you or your sister start my day I know it's going to be great!" I quickly thanked her for her kind words before she filled my mouth with instruments. You are not given a lot of time to chat during an appointment.

After completing the cleaning of my teeth, she remarked, "There, your teeth are shining as brightly as you are shining." What? I couldn't believe that she had spoken the very words I had prayed earlier. I felt everything inside me saying, "Joy, you have to tell her!"

With heart racing I began, "Jen, you may not understand what I'm about to say, but on my drive over here this morning I asked the Lord to let me be a shining testimony for Him. What you just expressed is an answer to that prayer. Thank you." Awkwardly she gave a short reply as the dentist entered the room. God had answered my prayer. His presence was radiant through my countenance. 

I remember another occasion as a pre-teen when a similar response was expressed. My sister and I were spending time with a little girl who had just had her tonsils removed. We were at her house playing and reading stories. Suddenly this little 5-year-old child looked up at us and said, "Even if all the lights went out right now, it wouldn't matter. You both are shining so brightly." I still vividly recall that moment. Christ was shining through our willing, loving care as we ministered to this little girl.

I trust today that you have spent time with the Lord, and like Moses you only become aware as His radiance shines through you and others see Him.

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