Sunday, February 25, 2024

Facing Fear

"But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. I praise God for what He has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?...This I know: God is on my side! I praise God for what He has promised; yes, I praise the LORD for what He has promised. I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?" Psalm 55:3-4a, 9b-11a

Growing up in our home my mom often used an expression I never heard elsewhere. She would say that she was talking to herself like a Dutch uncle. Although it made little sense to me, I always understood when she chose to use it. A situation was before her where she needed to consciously and firmly address herself to face something that was causing hesitancy. It was a serious pep talk, spoken with determination.

Reading the words of the Psalmist David, I can almost hear him voicing these verses in a similar fashion. He had been captured by the Philistines and he is alone and afraid. Although having a history of killing a lion, a bear and a giant, he was not invincible, so in his fear he called out to the One who is all powerful and able to overcome.

There are times when we will all face fear. It's an inevitable part of living. My friend Lina Abujamra has said, "What you already know about fear is that you already know about fear." It's so true. It is common to everyone. Fear indicates that something we value is being threatened. What incites fear in me may be different than others, but we all experience situations that make us anxious. It really comes down to how we handle that fear. For some it can be debilitating, becoming all consuming. Like David, we have to learn what to do with our fear.

The Psalmist boldly declares faith in God and trust in His promises in the midst of his fear. He doesn't deny that he is afraid, but he knows who to call for the source of help and begins relying on God in the middle of his fear. Talking to himself like a Dutch uncle, he is preaching truth to himself, repeating with confidence that God is on his side! I love how he even asks himself twice, "Why should I be afraid?" With God there is no need to fear!

What are you facing today that has moved your heart to panic? It's impossible to fight fear on our own; it's a losing battle. Although it can be a protective emotion, guarding us from foolish activity, it can also be a preventive emotion, keeping us from moving forward in trusting the Lord. Our response to fear says more about us than the fact that we fear. Don't let fear be a deterrent, but an avenue for dependence. Quoting my friend Lina again, "Fear that leads you straight to God is worship." Will you choose to worship Him today?

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