Saturday, February 3, 2024

Known in Unknowns

Then the LORD said..."I've also done it (made Pharaoh and his officials stubborn)... so that you will know that I am the LORD." Exodus 10:1-2

Just prior to going to bed last night I saw the following post on Facebook: 

As I read the comments shared, I smiled at the number of responders who listed examples of things that happened many months previous. They were wonderful remembrances of God's incredible, often miraculous provision. I guess if they had to choose "one specific way", they wanted to highlight the most amazing. I'm not criticizing. I get it. However, daily God is good! Psalm 23:6 tells us that "goodness" follows us every day of our lives. Do we see it? Are we missing it?

There are so many ways that the Lord daily reveals Himself to us so that we may know Him more. One of the ways is through His goodness. But listen closely, His goodness is not defined by our definition of good. If the outcome will cause us to know Him as Lord, then He will allow or ordain any path that brings us to the destination of discovering more of Him.

We don't understand all that God permits or plans, but because His character is always good, so is His conduct. The hardening of Pharaoh's heart is perplexing, but purposeful. He used the crises in the life of Moses and the Israelites to reveal Himself. 

Although we often question and ask why our journey is met with difficulties, the better response is to pray, "Lord, how do You want to show Yourself in this situation? Please teach me to know You. Help me not to miss the unveiling of Your character as I'm facing this unknown." 

God becomes so visible in critical moments. When confusion, shock, and fear accompany a situation far beyond our control we have a decision. We come face-to-face with a thought that needs an answer: Right now. In this second. Is God here? Is He good? Is this His doing for the purpose of me to know Him?

His goodness is just as powerful, and maybe even more so, in the wilderness as it is on the mountain top. Every upheaval is an opportunity for God to come through with power, comfort, wisdom, direction, compassion and many other aspects of His character that will draw us to a deeper understanding of His true nature and bring glory to His name.

Problems and perils are without a doubt the greatest platform for His presence to be evidenced and His attributes seen. Today does your crisis have you at a crossroads? Is the heartache hiding His nearness? His hand is sovereignly resting over your life. The same hand that longs to draw you close and awaken your soul to know Him in ways you most likely would never encounter without this desperate need that has crashed, unwelcomed into your life. This circumstance is an invitation to know the Lord. 

My friend Dr. Lina Abujamra, in her book "Fractured Faith" writes this incredible truth: "God's goodness is meant to be received in the midst of our pain, not proven by the absence of our pain."

In case you are wondering if I left a comment on the blog post mentioned above, this was my response: "I've seen God's goodness in so many ways, but it has been in the unexpected, unwanted circumstances where His goodness has shone clearest...seeing His goodness faithfully revealed through His 'no's' or in His 'waits' and experiencing His peace, hope and strength."

Today may God be known in our unknowns.

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