Tuesday, February 27, 2024

No Longer Obvious

"So do not act like the people in Egypt, where you used to live, or like the people of Canaan, where I am taking you. You must not imitate their way of life. You must obey all My regulations and be careful to obey My decrees, for I am the LORD your God. If you obey My decrees and My regulations, you will find life through them. I am the LORD." Leviticus 18:3-5

Sometimes it's really hard to tell who is a Christ-follower and who is not. Lifestyles flow together making it difficult to differentiate between those who call themselves Christians and those who have no claim on Christ at all. One area is in the response to sexuality. 

Just recently I heard of a prominent, Christian woman's author and speaker who has not only made some choices that have deeply saddened my heart, but her attitude expressed in words on social media as she speaks of God's provision in her sin, make it sound like He is condoning and blessing the very thing His Word speaks against. Those who comment on her activity are rejoicing and praising with her. 

The lives of those living by God's Word should look vastly different than those of the world, but sadly there is no longer any obvious lifestyle distinctiveness between "Egyptians", "Canaanites" and Christians. Only a couple of days ago I was speaking with a friend who is burdened for ministerial leaders and those attending Bible studies who are consistently in God's Word, but not being transformed by it. Instead, they are neglecting His commands and not only persisting in sin, but justifying behaviour. Like the woman mentioned previously, they are wrapping sin with ribbons of God's goodness and faithfulness while ignoring His clear authority in scripture.

The key verses above are the introduction to God's instruction in Leviticus 18 on sexual conduct. We are living in an age of confused and rebellious morality. The requirements expressed here are not opinions, hopes, or suggestions, but clear directives regarding human sexuality. 

In her recent book, "Don't Tell Anyone You're Reading This", Dr. Lina Abujamra writes: "What usually starts out as a small and innocent sin can quickly morph into a cascade of more shocking sins than we ever dreamed we would commit. How easily we lose control. Ironically, in every other area of our lives, we tend to be control freaks."

Why do we not pursue purity with a passion? The sin we should detest has become desirous. It's all about personal pleasure with no regard to God. We seek momentary gratification, redefining truth to justify sinful actions. Labelling everything as "grey" we find ways to express disobedience in a positive light.

Friends, we need to step into the Light. "Secrecy is the soil in which shame grows." Confessing and yielding to the Lord brings change. Self-gratification can be exchanged for Christ-magnification through honesty, confession, repentance and the power of the Holy Spirit. Let's honour the Lord with our sexuality. We can find life, abundant life, through obedience to God's Word.

Quotes taken from "Don't Tell Anyone You're Reading This: A Christian Doctor's Thoughts on Sex, Shame, and Other Troublesome Issues" by Lina Abujamra, MD, copyright 2023, Forefront Books.

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