Friday, February 23, 2024

The Bible Addresses EVERYTHING!

"...Then Moses took some of its blood and applied it to...the big toe of his right foot." Leviticus 8:23

I couldn't believe what I was reading! Blood on the big toe of the right foot! I looked down at the big toe on my right foot and was filled with peace.

Since the New Year I have had issues with my big toe on my right foot. The nail has been the strangest colour. I couldn't recall bumping it or dropping anything on it, yet it was blemished with multiple shades and looking quite unpleasant.

After almost two months of not seeing any improvement, two days ago I decided to do something I try very hard to avoid...ask Dr. Google. The very first response was to warn of melanoma, adding the caution that if not diagnosed and treated within six weeks it would enter the bloodstream and spread to the lymph nodes. WHAT? It had already been about eight weeks!

In a bit of a panic, I called my doctor and discovered he was working at the Walk-In-Clinic until 2pm. Looking at the clock I had twenty-five minutes! Thankfully I don't live far from this office and thought if I hurried, I could make it.

My family doctor is a great guy. He's young, new and took over the practice during Covid when my previous doctor retired. Examining my toe, he was hesitant to declare with certainty that it was broken blood vessels under the nail. One thing about this gentleman, he doesn't take chances. If he isn't assured of the condition, he doesn't delay in writing a referral for a specialist. 

With dermatologists having a wait-list for many months, he said the quickest way to determine whether this was hematoma or melanoma was to head into a Rapid Access Clinic in Toronto. It is open to patients by referrals, without appointment, daily from 8am-11am on a first-come, first-served basis.

Not confident to drive into the Distillery District myself I contacted friends who were not only willing to drive me, but would leave early in the morning to hopefully get me there in time before the clinic reached capacity. To make a long story short, the first day, although arriving by 7:15am I was sadly turned away before 8:30am. I was only three people away from the door. Disappointed to be dismissed, but not completely dismayed, my friends and I were determined we would meet the challenge the next morning and arrive earlier. 

This morning I was up at 4am! I was on a mission! We arrived at the clinic before 6am! There was only one young man ahead of me in line! I was dressed warmly for the hour-long wait outside until the doors would be opened to begin registration. I wouldn't be turned away today!

And I wasn't! I was actually assessed by two dermatologists who both confirmed what my doctor suspected, assuring me I had nothing to worry about. They said it would take a year for the nail to grow out and heal, suggesting that for all the walking I do (most likely the cause of the state of my toenail), I purchase a pair of shoes a half size larger than those I generally wear, to ease the pressure on the nail.

"Blood...big toe...right foot." Thank You Lord for all the ways Your word speaks into every detail of life. There is no way reading that was a coincidence! I knew before heading out today the great Physician had already given His diagnosis and the dermatologists just confirmed what I already knew! 

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