Saturday, February 24, 2024

Dart Practice

"...the real danger is wickedness within the city...It is not an enemy who taunts me - I could bear that. It is not my foes who so arrogantly insult me - I could have hidden from them. Instead, it is you - my equal, my companion and close friend. What good fellowship we once enjoyed as we walked together to the house of God." Psalm 55: 10b, 12-14

"Why is it so hard to be a Christian at a Christian school?"

The young man's words have echoed in my thoughts for years. Attending a private Christian high school this teen had anticipated finally being part of a majority with those who loved and followed the Lord. Instead, his expectations were met with physical threats from those he had hoped were pursuing Jesus with a similar passion.

It's so hard when "the real danger is wickedness within". We know as believers that the world hates us, but when those within the family of God respond and behave in ways we had not imagined, the hurt is greater. Pain is compounded when it is delivered to us from those whose faith and belief walk the same path as ours. 

Sadly, this behaviour is not contained within the halls of education. Outside the walls of these institutions, homes are actually tutoring these children in lessons that cause division. Denomination against denomination. Church against church. Preference against precept. Relativity against absolute truth. Grey against black and white as every man does what is right in their own eyes. The lines that divide us are not geographical. We don't have to look far to see the conflict still being caused by a recent epidemic, with the fall-out of friendships, not over biblical doctrine, but over vaccines and masks.

Years ago I attended an event that remains etched in my memory. To my knowledge the attendees at this celebration were all believers, yet what I witnessed broke my heart. As alcohol flowed conversation took a turn and jokes became brash, crude and questionable, I was shocked to see what the majority considered "acceptable". I felt like an outsider among my brothers and sisters in Christ. My heart ached.

Yes, it's sad when it's hard being a Christian among others Christians. When the ridicule comes from family, not foe, the pain cuts deep. Within the body of Christ we can become the target for a little dart practice, remarks hitting the bulls-eye of our hearts and we are viciously wounded. Sitting in a circle with other Christ-followers, sharing passionately and with enthusiasm what the Lord is doing in my life, the blank stares and condescending remarks cut deeper than any physical wound. The pain is not just the callus responses, but the agony that these dear friends don't seem to understand my love for the Lord.

Friends, let's be those who offer healing words. Let our actions speak of love and forgiveness. May Christ within prompt decisions today that restore relationships for His glory.

My friend Bev wrote the song below. May it minister to your heart today.

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