Friday, February 16, 2024


"When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched His garment." Mark 5:27

I'm not a fan of large crowds. I get nervous when surrounded by a lot of people. I remember as a child going with my older sister to a Boxing Day Sale at the mall. My twin sister and I wanted to purchase the Barbie Camper and we arrived at the store before the doors opened. It was like a wild stampede when employees came to let us enter. From that time on I have had no desire to be part of a mob just to save some money. Thankfully Amazon has made that much easier now.

In Mark 5 we read about a woman who had suffered for twelve years with a constant bleeding issue. Desperation pushed her in a direction that others might not consider. Hearing about Jesus she "came in the press behind" with determination, hope and longing. "If I can just touch His robe." She reached out in faith and her efforts were rewarded.

When Christ inquired, "Who touched my robe?" His disciples responded, "Look at this crowd pressing around You. How can You ask, 'Who touched Me?'" (Mark 5:30-31) Jesus was instantly aware of a touch of trust. While others were pressing around Him, this woman pressed in.

Misery moved her. She would do anything to find relief. Nothing casual. All consuming. She strained and extended her arm with the effort of longing to obtain her desire. Does our reaching and seeking to touch Jesus have fingertips outstretched, not giving up until we rest in the certainty of His presence?

Today I'm reaching out. Needing to touch Him. Needing a touch from Him. I'm pressing in. Elbowing through the crowd. Leaning all my wait, worry and wondering and leaving it at the fringe of His garment as I touch His robe. It can often take pressing concerns to push us to press in. Pressing past the enemies echoing words of shame and defeat to God's whispers of forgiveness and victory. Past our doubts to His certain. Past insecurities to His acceptance. Past unknowns to His sure. Past now to His unseen.

Pressing into the throne room.

Pressing into Jesus' presence.

Pressing into His heart.

Pressing deeper.

Pressing further.

Pressing longer.


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Anonymous said...

While others were pressing around Him, she pressed in! Ah, Joy! So beautiful! Past the world, our flesh, the devil and his schemes. Pressing INto His thronenroom, His presence, His goodness.

Joy said...

I love how you highlighted “INto”.

Sita said...

Yes, a reminder to keep pressing in instead of my default of withdrawing over the years in a season of overwhelm. I like when you said that Jesus recognized her touch of trust. Oh May I reach out always with a hand of faith to touch His heart.🙏