Monday, June 8, 2009


"Remember him..." Ecclesiastes 11:3

This might sound funny, but I have a favourite word, and that word is "remember". I enjoy taking time to let my mind wander down halls of memories, reliving the good times and releasing the difficult. So many cherished thoughts fill my heart. They are precious and I am thankful for the gift of recollection.

To remember is an invitation to pause and journey through an album of mental pictures and thoughts that have helped shape my being. Today the Lord has called me to remember Him.

Remember His goodness.
Remember His faithfulness.
Remember His sacrifice.
Remember His forgiveness.
Remember His love.

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Heather - On the Road... said...

Oh thank you for the reminder to remember him... the wonderful things He has done for me... His deliverance and His love.

Needed on this dark night. the fog that has been shrouding my thoughts is lifting some, but the darkness is still there.

Still praying for you and your family.
Love you,

On Purpose said...

Dear Heavenly Father thank you for Heather I ask that You sit with her today and bring precious memories to her. Remind her that she is Yours, beautiful, cherished, saved, protected and sealed in You forever! Love on her today Lord-Amen

~Grace and Peace said...

Thank you for the reminder to remember and to be grateful.

Have a blessed day.

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Too often my remembrance focuses on the "not so wonderful" memories from my past. I need to turn it around and look toward God's faithfulness.

Hope all is well.
