Monday, July 15, 2024

A Working Rhythm

"Then all the people returned to their homes, and David turned and went home to bless his own family." 1 Chronicles 16:43

Just yesterday afternoon my husband and I watched Episode 2 from Season Four of The Chosen. As Jesus talks to His followers, He shares with them from Matthew 10, "Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of Me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of Me." The teachings of Christ can seem hard, confusing and conflicting, but He is looking for devoted men and women who will follow Him at any cost.

David's walk of obedience with the Lord had taken him away from his family for a period of time and he was now going home to bless his own family. God may lead us to roles that will require temporary and even more permanent separation from our family. For those of us who are deeply family oriented, that's a huge surrender, but whatever God asks us to sacrifice He will also bless. 

There is definitely a tension that exists between ministry life and home life, but the Lord doesn't try to separate the two. He uses each one to sanctify the other. There is a way to find balance as both enrich one another. Ministry doesn't have to be a threat to the family, but can cause it to thrive and become even stronger. Both home life and ministry life are training grounds to grow us to be more like Christ and we really need to see them in partnership.

Growing up my dad was a lay-pastor. He didn't hold a theological degree and was not ordained, but the Lord gave a call on his life as a ministering servant. He would fill the gap when pastors were away on vacation or suddenly taken ill. Our phone could ring at any time of the day or night and dad might be called to accommodate a request. I always remember one birthday party when he was summoned to minister to someone in need. I recall the disappointment when he had to leave, but I was also thankful for the gifts and abilities entrusted to dad. He had also long ago established a parental bond that provided security for my mom, sisters and I. Never doubting we were deeply loved enabled us to accept when circumstances had to suddenly change. We knew dad, like David, would return home to bless his family again.

God's Word is clear regarding our love to Him and service for Him. He also calls a husband to love his wife. God prioritizes family and encourages married couples to be fruitful and multiply. We read much in His Word about the importance of families and generations. I don't believe God wants us to neglect any of the relationships He has given us, including those with His bride, the church.

If our primary ministry is to please the Lord and we are walking in fellowship with Him, through His Word and prayer, He will prioritize our involvement, guiding and directing daily, organizing our calendar according to His purposes. Both family and church are ministry and God will orchestrate a rhythm that works as we seek to walk in step with Him. 

Trust the Lord to provide all we need without making this an either/or issue. Allow the call of family and ministry to complement, not compete with one another. We will see each area of dedication growing because of the other, not in spite of it, as we lean on God, as both Father and Head of the Church, to guide.

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