Monday, July 8, 2024

At Our Door

"Then we will be able to go and preach the Good News in other places far beyond you, where no one else is working." 2 Corinthians 10:16a

Many years ago, a sweet friend was sharing her testimony at the Women's Mission Circle Outreach gathering at our church. I knew the group was small, and thought I would go, hopefully to be an encouragement and support to my friend as she spoke. That was ten years ago and I've been participating with this precious group of ladies as they meet twice a month. In fact, just two years after joining as a visitor, I was elected to begin chairing and leading the bi-monthly meetings. My heart thrills hearing all the ways God is working around the world.

Not all churches are as global mission minded as my home church. I am blessed to be part of a body of believers who support close to forty missionary families, as well as financially providing aid to a similar additional number of mission minded ministries. Sharing the gospel with all tribes, nations and tongues is one of the core values of our fellowship.

Some of our missionary partners have embraced the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians and have researched "where no one else is working", taking the Good News to unreached people groups. They have been pioneers in lands where God's Word has not previously been preached. It has been estimated that only about 3% of those who leave home for foreign lands go to places where people have never heard the Gospel. Often these trailblazers of truth seek out positions in vocational roles that will allow them to interact with the people, establishing relationships and providing services that make their presence welcome to the country they will call home for as long as God ordains.

Paul expressed the same longing to go where no one else has gone. These are places where the message of Christ and salvation is largely unknown, and it is currently estimated at slightly over 40% of the world's population. That indicates a lot of opportunity!

We know that "faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ" (Romans 10:17). There are many who have never heard the name of Jesus. Despite Christ's command to "go into all the world and preach the gospel" (Mark 16:15), this commission has largely been unfulfilled and relinquished to those who are "called" to become formal missionaries.

I want to challenge us today that we don't need to go far from home to take up this mantle. Our neighbourhoods are surrounded with many cultures. The world is coming to our doorstep. People from every culture, colour, custom and civilization are living among us. You just need to take a walk and I can almost guarantee you that you will encounter someone from a different ethnical background. We do not need to move to the other side of the world. Our mission field is the house beside us, our grocery store, office lunchroom, school and gym. We can have influence today where God has already placed us. If He wants to move us elsewhere, He will.

As my husband and I have a time of Family Worship after supper of an evening, we lift up the names of all our neighbours. There are seven families in our close proximity whom we know by name, and to our knowledge do not know Jesus personally. As we faithfully pray, I often wonder if we are the only ones presenting their names consistently to our Heavenly Father.

Lord, would You invade every sphere where we have influence. Use us Lord "where no one else is working". Open up further opportunities. Give us courage. May the hearts and minds of those yet to believe be receptive, and may our lives give glory to You alone.

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