Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Greatest Treasure

"So King Solomon became richer and wiser than any other king on earth." 2 Chronicles 9:22

Reading about Solomon's wealth is incomprehensible. I feel like I'm viewing an episode of "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous." Back in the mid 80's, Robin Leach hosted a television program that weekly introduced wealthy entertainers, entrepreneurs, athletes and actors who lived extravagantly. With the list of splendors he possessed, I'm sure king Solomon would have been featured himself if the TV show had run in his day. So many pursue riches and recognition, yet it sadly will never satisfy. We look at someone like Solomon and think fame and fortune is everything, but in reality, it is not. The king later recorded in Ecclesiastes that money doesn't satisfy and there is no contentment achieved through materialism. In the end Solomon still died and he couldn't take his riches with him. So, where is our true treasure found?

Turning in the driveway, instantly she noticed. The side-door to her home stood ajar. That's strange. Had she left in such a hurry that she had forgotten to lock it? No, she could almost still feel the key in her hand as she had turned the deadbolt when leaving, securing the door. 

Running up the porch steps, swinging open the screen door she hollered, "Hello". Habit birthed the cheery welcome, because truly she did not expect or want a reply. Her eyes suddenly fell to the lock laying on the tile at her feet. Lifting her view higher, the splintered door took her attention. Before another thought crossed her mind, she was back down the steps, outside and locked in her car. Someone had been in her home. Maybe they were even still there now.

Summoning her husband home first, her next call went to 911. The operator asked a series of questions. The police were on their way. Fearing the intruder might still be in her home and possibly watching her, a shiver ran up her spine. She drove and parked in the neighbour's driveway. Distance provided a buffer, but also a blindfold. Her view of the house was blocked by the garage. Oh well, at least she felt safer.

When the police arrived, the canine unit was dispatched and a thorough investigation of her home was conducted. Whoever had been there moments before had left, most likely after she drove next door. There were things that gave the police evidence to believe that the intruder had been in her home when her cheerful greeting echoed through the halls. 

The rooms on a whole didn't appear much different. Drawers were open. Lid off the cookie jar. Boxes emptied of contents. Mattress uncovered and moved. Although much more damage could have been done, the unwanted visitor had left with all her jewelry, a small amount of cash and a camera. The jewelry box taken also contained precious treasures. Old photographs. Newspaper clippings. Irreplaceable value, but no doubt tossed away thoughtlessly by one who didn't appreciate their worth. Yet, in almost every room, a Bible had been left. God's Word, the most cherished possession in this home, remained. The thief left with perishable trinkets, missing the wealth found in scripture that could change his life.

What defines riches to you? Material items have no eternal significance. Our treasure lies in the unsearchable riches of Christ (Ephesians 3:8). We have boundless blessings in the Lord that can never be stolen. Father, help us to live in the fulness of everlasting riches, knowing You are our immeasurably valuable treasure who more than satisfies.

My sister's things were never recovered but she didn't lose the One whom she cherishes most. He is more precious than silver, more costly than gold, more beautiful than diamonds and nothing, absolutely nothing, compares with Him.

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