Monday, July 22, 2024

What Do You Want?

"That night God appeared to Solomon and said, 'What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!'" 2 Chronicles 1:7

Imagine. The God of the entire universe comes to you and asks, "What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!" He doesn't say, "I'll consider it; let Me see what I can do", but extends the promise of delivering whatever the desire. I don't know about you, but the question almost frightens me. How would I respond? Even with time to consider my answer, how would I reply?

I actually know someone who, as a little girl, heard her Daddy preaching on this passage of scripture and wanted so desperately for God to give her a special gift that following the evening service at church where she heard the message delivered, she ran home, knelt beside her bed and began to pray earnestly. Here's how she tells the story...

"Daddy's words, 'Solomon asked for a gift, and God graciously granted it,' deeply penetrated my childish heart and mind. I don't remember another word that was spoken. I do remember thinking to myself, 'I am going to ask God for a gift - as soon as I get home tonight, I am going to ask Him!'"

"I exited the double glass doors of the church in a hurry and ran down the three stairs to the sidewalk below. I made a left turn, and as fast as my 3-year-old legs would carry me, raced down the sidewalk, across the gravel drive, and up the front porch stairs of the parsonage where our family lived. I barely slowed as I opened the screen door, scurried through a small kitchen and dining room, entered the living room, and made my way to a stairwell in the corner. I dashed up those stairs - all fourteen of them - without stopping to catch my breath. I was on a mission."

"After tearing up that flight of stairs, I ran into the large bedroom that I shared with my younger sister...I knelt at the end of my bed. I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed with all the faith and sincerity that a three-year-old could possess. 'Jesus, will You please give me a gift, like the one You gave to that king my daddy was preaching about tonight?' And to make sure Jesus knew just how badly I wanted that gift, I did what I always did when I prayed. I held up both hands and punctuated the raising of each finger with the word, 'Please!' until all ten fingers were outstretched. 'Please, Jesus, give me a gift!'"

She writes, "I drifted off to sleep in expectant anticipation - thinking, 'I can't wait to see what I am when I wake up tomorrow morning!'" She knew God had heard the prayer of a sincere little girl. And, God did indeed give her a gift to use for His glory. At the age of four she made her way to the piano just after hearing her sister practice a recital piece of music, sat down, and played the same composition perfectly. The gift was made evident that day and she has continued to "have a significant and powerful impact on the Kingdom of God." (From "His Gift, My Story" by Kim Collingsworth with Becky Keep; Whispering Pines Publishers; copyright 2020.)

Every time I hear Kim share her testimony my heart rejoices. God is still answering prayers that rise from earnest desires that honour Him. A pure longing from a soul that wants to please the Lord and be used by Him more than anything else is the one to which God is eager to respond. He takes great delight in answering those requests. 

A couple of days ago I received a message from a young mom who is facing health concerns. In her note to me she wrote: "There is SO much more I want to do for the Lord. To live my whole life for Him and His glory." She went on to share how she would love to be used to draw others closer to Jesus and she doesn't want her current medical condition to stop the advancement of this mission. Although physically her body needs rest, she desperately wants God to strengthen her so the dreams He has given her can be fulfilled. A beautiful, selfless want.

How would you answer the Lord? What do you want? An unselfish request might set the stage for God's mighty power to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). 

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