Sunday, July 7, 2024

Haste Makes Waste

"Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good; haste makes mistakes." Proverbs 19:2

Turning on my cell phone while I waited for my coffee to brew this morning, one of the first posts I saw on social media was from my friend Diana who is the founder of Stay Fit Wellness Coaching and also the administrator of an online faith-based, weight loss group. This is what I read: "You need strategy and not just knowledge to lose weight and keep it off. Strategy is application of knowledge with systems that lead to lasting results."

It's so true! Many look for a "get rich quick" scheme or the miracle diet that will remove pounds instantly. We can jump into an initiative with excitement, not really knowing what we are doing, but being caught up in a new adventure we don't take the time to really consider all involved. We can't act too swiftly. We need to do the research. Get ready. Calculate the risks. Wait for the results.

Jumping in to anything too quickly can be foolish. Emotions can be an enemy, especially to those whose personality is driven towards accomplishment, meeting needs, or who is a visionary at heart. We all love the person who lives life as an exclamation mark!!! Their enthusiasm fuels many. They are the spiritual cheerleaders in the body of Christ, encouraging new endeavours to move forward to see potential dreams fulfilled. Their zeal motivates the planners to persevere when a project takes longer to complete. 

One of the biggest concerns for the person who lives life in a hurry, is they neglect to take time to seek the Lord in commitments being made. Disaster can happen when we sense pressure to move or respond rapidly. I know I can be impulsive when I see an item for sale on Marketplace or Varage, both online platforms that connect sellers and buyers to resale deals. Feeling like I will miss securing the purchase if I don't act fast, I can jump before researching the details. Later, something similar appears at lesser cost if I'd only waited. We need discernment coupled with eagerness. Both are so valuable. One will help us see ahead and the other will spur us on to keep moving ahead.

Recently friends came to build us a deck. Prior to their arrival my husband spent hours measuring, drawing up plans, calculating cost and researching material. Literally, measuring twice and cutting once holds true here. In many situations, ignorance is not bliss, haste is waste and speed is not a virtue. We all remember the childhood story of the tortoise and the hare. It was slow and steady that won the race. It truly is better to be safe than sorry so we all need to think before we act.

Being impulsive has its place but without forethought little consideration is given to possible consequences. Adding discernment to desire saves a lot of wasted time and helps us avoid mistakes that could eventually lead to dead ends and disappointment. Risk is often idolized and pushes us into the unknown before understanding all that is involved. Passion must be anchored in wisdom for God's purposes to prevail. Personal motivation will wane, but if a project is inspired by the Holy Spirit and empowered by the Lord, it will come to completion.

It is arrogance that makes us think we can accomplish anything without first sitting with the Lord. Whatever is done in the flesh will not flourish and it may take failure to let this lesson come to fruition. Even if the task before us seems exciting, we will grow weary and without the Lord supplying our strength, guiding us through times of prayer, providing insight and direction from His Word, most likely our wonder will wane and the initiative will not be completed. We no doubt all have evidence of this in basements, closets and garages. Unfinished projects due to lack of understanding and interest.

As Solomon taught in Ecclesiastes, the race is not always to the swift. Seek direction from the Lord, allowing Him to establish your plans and empower your zeal, yielding favour instead of failure.

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