Tuesday, July 30, 2024

God Over Odds

"Although the Arameans attacked with only a small army, the LORD helped them conquer the much larger army of Judah. The people of Judah had abandoned the LORD, the God of their ancestors, so judgment was carried out against Joash." 2 Chronicles 24:24

Under the reign of Joash, Judah saw many religious reforms made through the counsel of Jehoiada the priest. The Temple of the LORD was repaired and restored, renovating it back to its original design. After the death of Jehoiada, Joash began listening to other advisors who drew the people away from the Lord and they began worshiping other gods. "Yet the LORD sent prophets to bring them back to Him. The prophets warned them, but still the people would not listen." (2 Chronicles 24:19)

Scripture tells us that Jehoiada's son Zechariah encouraged the people to return to the Lord, but instead they chose to abandon Him. Despising Zechariah's message, in a shocking turn of events, King Joash ordered him to be stoned to death in the courtyard. Joash, the young king who started off so well and thrived under the direction of Jehoiada the priest, is now responsible for the murder of the son of the man who had powerfully influenced him, providing him with years of wise guidance. Zechariah's final words declared, "May the LORD see what they are doing and avenge my death!"

God did see, and in the spring of the year, the Aramean army marched against Judah and Jerusalem, killing all the leaders of the nation. The Lord enabled the small enemy army to have victory over the larger army under King Joash because they had abandoned Him. Disobedience yields defeat. No doubt the people of Judah thought their victory was certain, but we see again a message that is repeated throughout scripture, the battle always belongs to the Lord. Regardless of how things appear, it is God and only God that enables and decides who are the conquerors. Size never determines the outcome. What seems the most logical to us doesn't necessarily happen. We can never surmise the end results by how things appear at the moment. Not with God in the equation.

Just a couple of days ago a friend shared with me a situation that needs God's intervention. Statistics and logistics point contrary to the desired outcome. With three options before them, the one most wanted is the one least likely. But God doesn't operate with the same law of averages. What "normally" happens can never stand up to what divinely happens. Even if a pattern has always presented itself one way, God can step in and do something completely new. Just like a small army gaining victory over one much larger, God is never limited by numbers or size.

We often depend far too much on data, spread sheets and analysis. We weigh the odds, calculating the risks. Our faith stops at facts and we are afraid to hope for solutions that seem impossible. There are also times we can become overly confident in our own resources, but the race is not always to the swift or the battle to the strong. I'm sure we've all watched sporting events where the number one team walks onto the field assured of their win, only to see the opposing underdog play with such energy and heart they are victorious, defeating the champions.

A disobedient large army is no match for a small group of warriors when God's hand needs to mete out discipline. Regardless of the world's vantage point, any loss or win is determined by the Lord. God's people had abandoned Him so He enabled the weak to defeat the strong in order to carry out His judgement. Every outcome is in the hands of God and the odds are always on His side.

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