Sunday, July 21, 2024

Curse Without a Cause

"Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse will not land on its intended victim." Proverbs 26:2

Years ago, while visiting over a cup of tea, a friend shared a story with me. She relayed an incident where something unkind had been spoken over her. I've always remembered her response. She told me that instead of letting the unfounded criticism land on her heart, she just side-stepped the remark and brushed it off, not allowing it to settle and crush her spirit. I've never forgotten that conversation.

Although a "curse" may be different from a "criticism", both are words intended to harm. They are generally expressed with strong emotion and have the ability to deeply wound the recipient. It is speaking ill-will towards another, to mock, ridicule or scorn with the aim of demeaning and causing pain, inflicting heartache.

The motive of an "undeserved curse" is usually feelings of inferiority or failure, revenge or pride. For some reason, we think belittling another increases our position, but in reality, it just makes us look more foolish for engaging in senseless destruction of another. 

When it is a groundless accusation with no basis of truth, we cannot allow the words spoken to land on us. The pronouncement is not worthy of stealing our joy and consuming our mind, yet, far too often we give these words time they don't deserve. Sadly, not only do some undeserved words "rest" on us, but they "nest", building a 50-storie condominium by the time the enemy is through echoing their words in our head and heart. Like the little fluttering sparrow or darting swallow that is here and gone quickly, our response to causeless curses over us must be similar to the flight of these little birds. If we permit the comment to land and settle, it then has the potential for its purpose to prevail. Instead, we need to pause and consider the imagery of this proverb and the transient nature of unjust accusations.

Some of us with extremely tender and sensitive hearts find brushing off a cruel remark difficult. Taking everything personally, not only do we let words land, we give them residence. If that isn't enough, we replay the wrongful words over and over in our minds causing even more turmoil. We can start to believe what we never should have received in the first place. We cannot allow harsh, undeserving criticism to take root and grow.

Birds that land can be caught in a trap, and we empower unwarranted words to trap us without reason. I'm sure we can all recall a moment when our day was going great until one remark was made towards us and suddenly everything changed. We need to immediately come before the Lord and ask Him if anything of truth is founded in what has been said, and if not, we must disregard the unkindness quickly before it can have more power over us. By not reacting, we rise above the situation with grace and we soar away without being caught in the causeless curse.

We also must be more cautious of what we say. Words can have harmful consequences. We need to consider every off-hand remark and not direct it carelessly towards another. Are we encouraging or tearing down? 

If an unfair criticism is truly invalid, let it go. Instead of believing false words, we must look to The Word to see what the Lord is speaking over us. Don't dwell on what has been said, but abide in God's Word. Let our response reflect our identity in Christ. Instead of allowing our feelings of hurt to take control, we need to look to Christ's sufficiency. "God blesses you when people mock you and persecute you and lie about you and say all sorts of evil things against you because you are My followers. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven." (Matthew 5:11-12) The majority of hurtful remarks are aimed, not at us, but Christ in us, as our walk with the Lord illuminates the darkness in the heart of the accuser. Let's rise above and hold to truth. If God doesn't back it up, brush it off and let it fly away.

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