Sunday, July 28, 2024

Vision's Value

"When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild. But whoever obeys the law is joyful." Proverbs 29:18

I almost skipped over this verse quickly when reading today. In the New Living Translation it is expressed correctly, but without using the familiar phrasing I heard as a child I almost missed it. Being raised with the King James Version I heard the verse expressed this way: "Where there is no vision the people perish; But he that keepeth the law, happy is he."

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In my younger years I used to think this scripture was encouraging goal setting and vision statements. Certainly it is helpful to have ambition and worthwhile objectives, but the vision mentioned here is about hearing from God; a fresh revelation from Him. Without divine guidance from the Lord there is chaos and no moral or ethical control. The New International Version writes, "Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom's instruction."

The encouragement in this verse is not to create a fresh idea or plan but to receive from the Lord and His word an understanding or new revelation. This includes the times when we are reading God's Word and a verse jumps off the page speaking directly and specifically into a current situation. It also could be when the Holy Spirit sheds new light and gives deeper comprehension to a passage in scripture.

When God opens our hearts and minds to divine interpretation of a truth that He longs to reveal to us and we apply His direction to our lives, as the writer of Proverbs concludes, we are joyful. In a practical way we experience this same happiness after struggling to understand a question or problem. When suddenly that "aha" moment happens, we are filled with relief. There is a profound joy that comes with apprehending a concept and grasping its full meaning. 

We all desperately need and want to hear from the Lord. We should constantly pray before opening the Bible that God will unveil our eyes and minds, gifting us understanding. Daily reading is not just an exercise to complete, but the God of the universe speaking to us. We then must hear and heed what He reveals.

When we lack a revelatory word from God we can seem lost, aimless and out of control. The silencing of God's word is frightening and will end in everyone doing what is right in their own eyes. For those of us who long to live in the center of God's will, walking in step with His Spirit and being used by Him, we desire the Lord to bring to light truth so that we can follow His ways. We also need to share and proclaim what is divinely imparted to us so that others can understand. Anytime there is the unfolding of interpretation of scripture by those correctly dividing the Word of Truth we must receive and respond to the sound doctrine taught.

Scripture declares how we are to live as Christ-followers, giving us direction, refining, purifying, correcting, encouraging, protecting and saving. We need an understanding of the whole counsel of God's Word. The absence of divinely commissioned ministry results in disappointment and despair, but for those given vision there is an indescribable delight. Our spiritual outlook needs to be one that always has our eyes fixed on Jesus. God's Word is His revelation of Himself and who He created us to be. May we embrace scripture with enthusiasm and expectation, finding value in observing and obeying all that the Lord gives us eyes to see.

Lord, give us clear vision of who You are and correct interpretation with understanding of Your word. Grant us strength to obey so that we may know the happiness and joy found in following You.

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