Wednesday, July 3, 2024

I Have Found The Book!

"I have found the Book of the Law in the LORD's Temple!" 2 Kings 22: 8

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Have you ever misplaced an item? My mom was notorious for Christmas shopping well in advance. She would bring her purchase home, wrap it, and tuck it away secretly for safe keeping. The problem being, she would completely forget where she placed it. Many times, long past the day of celebration, she would pull out a gift wrapped in festive paper and we'd all laugh and enjoy her delight in finding it again.

This is similar to what happened while Josiah was reigning in Jerusalem. An unexpected treasure was found and its revelation impacted an entire nation, initiating a revival in Judah. There is a discovery we can all make that can not only change our lives this very moment, but also for all eternity.

King Manasseh, Josiah's grandfather, and king Amon, Josiah's father, had plunged Judah into wickedness. Idol worship was prevalent and an assortment of other gods had been introduced into the Temple of the LORD. The young successor to the throne had not seen good role models in his family, yet he still became a great king. When Josiah rose to power, he gave instruction for the repair and restoration of the Temple. Sometime during this renovation project, a treasure is found. It was Hilkiah the high priest who exclaimed, "I have found the Book of the Law in the LORD's Temple!"

Historically we are told that it was not uncommon for a book to be found when renovating. Temples had what were called "foundation deposits" for the storage of tablets of religious and architectural significance, however, this was not any random text. This discovery wasn't any book but "the Book."

It is so sad to think that this book of the LORD was misplaced or lost in the house of the LORD, the very place where His Word should be prominent. God's Word had become neglected and undermined. It had lost its authority. Sadly, in our generation, the same can be true. "Scripture compromised in the church leads to Scripture abandoned in the home" (Author unknown). We need to keep God's Word with us, and in us.

As Josiah listened to the reading of the Book of the Law, it had a profound effect on him. Receiving God's Word, he initiated five responses:

1. REPENTED before the LORD (2 Kings 22:11, 19)
2. REQUESTED of the LORD (2 Kings 22:12-13)
3. RECOMMITTED with the LORD (2 Kings 23:1-3)
4. REMOVED opposition against the LORD (2 Kings 23:4-20)
5. REJOICED in the LORD (2 Kings 23:21-23)

Josiah's heart turned to the LORD with such conviction, scripture sums up his life and reign by saying, "Before him there was no king like him who turned to the LORD with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might, according to all the law of Moses; nor did any like him arise after him" (2 Kings 23:25 ESV). His passion and obedience to God's Word impacted his life and influenced others.

Every time we read the Book of the Law, God is speaking to us. Like Josiah, we may need to embrace a similar response beginning with repentance and then seeking His will for us in prayer, recommitting to daily reading His Word and following in steps of obedience, and then removing anything that is keeping us from enjoying intimacy with God. But never stop there. Don't forget to celebrate and rejoice in the LORD. However God speaks, however His Word challenges, convicts or confirms, we must celebrate! Celebrate with great and exceeding great joy! We too have found the Book!

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