Friday, July 12, 2024

The Three and The Three-In-One

"David was staying in the stronghold at the time, and a Philistine detachment had occupied the town of Bethlehem. David remarked longingly to his men, 'Oh, how I would love some of that good water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem.' So the Three broke through the Philistine lines, drew some water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem, and brought it back to David. But David refused to drink it. Instead, he poured it out as an offering to the LORD. 'God forbid that I should drink this!' he exclaimed. 'This water is so precious as the blood of these men who risked their lives to bring it to me.' So David did not drink it." 1 Chronicles 11:16-19

Risking their lives. There are those who work in vocations who daily put their lives on the line for others. When a police officer or fireman receives an emergency call, they often don't fully know the situation they are walking into, yet they willingly rush toward possible danger for the sake of those in need. These people have been defined as altruistic, putting others before themselves, and in the process face personal sacrifice.

While in the stronghold, David voiced a desire for some water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem. He didn't ask for the water or give an order to his men to go and retrieve some, he just spoke words of an inner desire that were overheard by three really great friends.

When I was a young teenager my mom's aunt and uncle from Sussex, England came to stay with us for a holiday. They were the dearest of folk. Auntie May and Uncle George. They knew this would no doubt be their only trip to Canada in our lifetime and they were so eager to shower us with gifts. I remember when we would go to the grocery store with them, if my sister and I even looked sideways at an item, it was placed in our shopping cart. One day we went to the mall and these sweet relatives heard us commenting over some beautiful dresses. The next thing we knew, these outfits were wrapped in tissue and headed home with us. We learned very quickly not to show or express interest over anything or it instantly became ours. Some longings are best left unsaid.

Three of David's warriors heard his spoken wish and they set out on a dangerous mission. What prompted such immediate action? David must have been a highly respected and loved man to have three such loyal friends risk their lives for a drink of water. Their courage to break through the Philistine lines spoke of their commitment to their leader.

I've always wondered how the Three felt when David, upon receiving the water, poured it out without even taking one sip. Did they see the king's conduct as an act of ungratefulness, or did they understand his response as an incredible, spontaneous gesture of worship in recognition of their selfless demonstration? The water was so precious to David, he could not drink it. The Three put their lives in jeopardy to fulfill the king's thirst.

In a devotional and journal by Henry Blackaby, he writes, "It seems that David was so humbled by the sacrificial gift of his loyal friends that he could not accept it for himself but instead he offered it to God." David was not seeing a cup of water, but a blood offering as these men put their lives on the line. 

There is another, who loving us, faced the enemy head on, shedding His blood for our sakes and He invites us to enjoy refreshing living water. He is the Three-In-One who gave His all to quench our thirst. Drink deeply from Him today.

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