Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Only Jesus

"So this is the family line descended from..." 1 Chronicles 1:24a

I have to be honest. It is hard to read through the long lists of genealogies in Scripture. Chapter after chapter. My tendency is to want to jump ahead. Skim over the names. Not take the time to read each one, half of which I can't pronounce. Although, I do see a rise in young couples choosing to use Biblical names for their children. I personally know a Benaiah, Azariah, Micaiah, and of course my own sister is Japhia. God's Word is a great resource as a baby name book.

Today there are many ways to uncover our heritage and trace our ancestry. Multiple websites offer information on how to discover the generations who have come before us, tracing history of families. I have a cousin who did his best to track down distant relatives. He would periodically send updates of any noteworthy names and their accomplishments. It is exciting to discover if we are a descendant of royalty, a great explorer or inventor, or maybe an acclaimed author, speaker or evangelist.

Years ago, my heart was convicted regarding the half-hearted attention I would give to verse after verse of lineage. God has purpose in every single word in scripture, so if He felt it was vital to include each name for remembrance, then I had better not dismiss even one as unimportant. These names are part of my heritage too and compose the roots of my family tree. Each name is precious. Each name represents a life lived. Was it lived well?

One day all our names will be just that...a name. A name in a list of many traced through our family history. When our ancestry is researched, we may be nothing more than a name buried in a list of names. Would anything more be written about us? Every now and again in the "begats" a name is highlighted with a short phrase of remembrance. "Hadad...was the one who destroyed the Midianite army in the land of Moab" (1 Chronicles 1:46). "Achan, who brought disaster on Israel by taking plunder that had been set apart for the LORD" (1 Chronicles 2:7). A one sentence biography sums up their lives, whether good or evil. Temporary failures or accomplishments that mark the span of years the Lord allowed.

Every day we make decisions. Every day is a new opportunity. Every day we can grasp hold of life. Are we living each moment to the fullest? Christ came to give us abundant life. What are we doing with the gift of time He has given us? Maybe we won't be remembered for any one great thing. Maybe there will be nothing that is worthy of extra words in a history of our heritage, but that shouldn't stop our desire to want to live great for God's glory. As believers, our names are written in the most important list of names that will ever be recorded. My Father is not only Great, He is God!

And, for me, the Lord is the name I pray others will remember. Casting Crowns has put my longing in lyrics in their recording "Only Jesus". My desire is that every moment of my life points to Christ. The song presents these questions: "Did I live the truth to the ones I love? Was my life the proof that there is only One whose name will last forever?" Each chorus echoes, "Jesus is the only name to remember."

Maybe there will be nothing on paper that records our lives as being of value. Maybe when our lives are over, they will be quickly forgotten. But maybe, just maybe our greatest legacy will be written on the hearts of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Hearts that were touched by God through Christ in us. Hearts that move on for future generations and draw others to His throne of grace. Jesus is the only name to remember. Now, that's a legacy!

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