Thursday, July 11, 2024

Whatever He Pleases

"The king's heart is like a stream of water directed by the LORD; He guides it wherever He pleases." Proverbs 21:1

When my son and his wife moved into their first home, all appeared well. There were some upgrades they wanted to tackle, but the house seemed structurally sound, until the first heavy rainfall. The finished basement was flooded. A call for help was issued as dad came to the rescue with shop-vac, fans and other useful tools to help remove the water. All the carpet had to be lifted and my husband set out to find the source of the leaks. It doesn't really take too large of a crack in the foundation for water to find an avenue to flow. Any incline will draw the fluid forward, and once going in one direction, it's difficult to stop it without a lot of effort. Water runs with ease. 

The encouraging truth in the Proverb of the king's heart being like a stream of water in God's hand, is that it too can be directed easily. The Lord at any moment can stop, direct, channel and bind, changing and controlling the course of action by those in positions of leadership. 

I think we too often forget who is ultimately sovereign. We see those who rule as having all authority, but scripture confirms that every decree they make falls under God's governing. The Lord can stay, settle and steady the stream of decisions being made, and although often contrary to our desires and even to biblical standards, that doesn't dismiss that God could step in at any moment. He is ultimately in complete control. We cannot fail to remember His dominion over all the earth and everything living on it. 

The other truth that is implied in this proverb is that if God can direct the hearts of those in high impact positions, He also provides divine providence over all of us as we move in and out of each minute of every hour of our days. It has been noted that question two of the New City Catechism provides further understanding to this doctrine. The answer states, "Nothing happens except through Him and by His will." It is God alone who sustains things through His appointed will. God takes and uses every headline, every natural disaster and every circumstance for His glorious purpose. Even as we watch rebellious rulers oppose Biblical commands, in some mysterious way their actions are being orchestrated under the hand of God. We see this demonstrated repeatedly throughout Scripture in the lives of Nebuchadnezzar, Pharaoh, Herod, Pilate and others. God used the evil actions of each one, guiding wherever it pleased Him.

When it appears that the wicked are flourishing, God's Word affirms that He has not lost control. God is not shocked by their affairs and their actions have not triumphed. The Lord is not defeated! We may not discern His purposes immediately, but security can be ours as we trust the Lord is supreme and has not abandoned His throne on high.

Knowing this should put our hearts at rest, even while observing the chaos in our world. And if the Lord can so easily guide a heart to obey His desires, He can also, at any time, bring a non-believing ruler to kneel before Him in repentance, receive His forgiveness and be lavished with His grace. Let's commit to praying to that end.

Concluding today with the lyrics to my son's favourite hymn. May the truth strengthen your heart today.

"This is my Father's world; O let me ne'er forget, That though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the Ruler yet. This is my Father's world: Why should my heart be sad? The Lord is King; let the heavens ring! God reigns; let earth be glad!" A resounding AMEN! 

"This is My Father's World", by Maltbie D. Babcock, 1901

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