Thursday, July 18, 2024

Adore Him

"'We adore You as the One who is over all things.'" 1 Chronicles 29:11b

Adore. To deeply love. Worship and revere. 

Do we really adore the Lord and if so, how do we show our adoration? Immediately the lyrics to a song we sing at Christmas came to mind. Adoration should not be seasonal or occasional. It needs to be the ongoing, consistent response to our great God. If time with Him is more passive than passionate we have lost the awe and wonder, the adventure and joy of knowing God. Adoration is seeing the Lord in insignificant moments, at unsuspecting times and unexpected places. It animates the mundane and helps us live fully alive. Adoring strengthens the faith of a weak heart. It is the language of a soul deeply, deeply in love. O come let us adore Him!

"You stepped down from heaven, Humbly You came;
God of all creation, Here with us.
In a starlit manger, Emmanuel;
Light of the world, here to save.

Adore, Come let us adore;
Oh, come let us adore Him.
The Lord, worship Christ, the Lord,
Let all that is within us, Adore.

Wise men bring their treasures, Shepherds bow low;
Angel voices sing of peace on earth.
What have I to offer, To heaven's King?
I'll bring my life, my love, my all.

Adore, Come let us adore;
Oh, come let us adore Him.
The Lord, worship Christ, the Lord,
Let all that is within us, Adore.

Angels sing, praises ring to the newborn King.
Peace on earth, here with us, joy awakening
At Your feet we fall

Adore, Come let us adore;
Oh, come let us adore Him.
The Lord, worship Christ, the Lord,
Let all that is within us, Adore."

Adore - Songwriters: Graham Kendrick & Martin Chalk

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