Wednesday, July 17, 2024

His Jerusalem

"For David said, 'The LORD, the God of Israel, has given us peace, and He will always live in Jerusalem.'" 1 Chronicles 23:25

I immediately paused as I read David's words. I am so thankful that because of Christ, His death and resurrection and the gift of salvation, God has more than an earthly dwelling place.

David, out of love for his young and inexperienced son Solomon, is making preparations for the Temple of the LORD. He has collected vast amounts of building material, assigned tasks to the people, encouraged their hearts and commissioned the work. Although not chosen as the builder himself, he is using his God-given counsel to instruct and provide for his son. I love to read of the interest and investment this Dad is making on behalf of his child, giving him counsel and providing.

Just yesterday afternoon my cell phone rang and it was our daughter-in-love. With all the rain that we have been receiving, an on-going flooding issue at their home had arisen again. Although my husband has worked years grading their ground and burying sump pump systems to deal with this concern, every now and again something malfunctions and help is needed. Chris really knew what to do and basically had the situation under control by the time we arrived, but a father's advice can offer value and reassurance.

Now that Israel was experiencing a time of peace, plans for the construction of the Temple were underway. This sacred house of the Lord was set apart to be the permanent dwelling place of God. It was a place of dedicated worship where God's presence abided.

When Jesus was born, God's presence came to earth in the form of a baby. He lived among the people. After Christ's death when the veil of the Temple was torn, God moved and separation was removed as free access was established to all who would come to Him. Not only could we approach God anywhere at any time, but by the arrival of the Holy Spirit, Christ-followers became His dwelling place, His Jerusalem.

It's incredible to me every time I stop and ponder that the God of the universe designed a way to live in me because He desired to do so. Living with someone implies relationship and intimacy. He really wants to know us deeply. As He abides in us, we become the place where He lives and moves and He should be seen through us as His glory fills our temple.

The Israelites needed to make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem to be in God's presence, but with Him living inside of us, we can get up every day and immediately acknowledge His presence in us. What God began in the garden as He walked with Adam and Eve is now realized with Christ's presence in us and the Holy Spirit filling us. God's plan of dwelling with His people has never changed and one day what was destroyed in Genesis will be fulfilled in Revelation in the new Jerusalem. 

Lord, what an incredible, incomprehensible gift and privilege it is to have You choose to make Your home in me. Make me a worthy sanctuary for Your presence.

"Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true.
And with thanksgiving, I'll be a living
Sanctuary for You."

Lord Prepare Me to be a Sanctuary; Songwriters Randy Lynn Scruggs/John W. Thompson; copyright 1982

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