Wednesday, March 4, 2009

"But be careful not to treat the holy though they were common." Numbers 18:32

Treating the sacred as standard. The divine as daily. The favoured as familiar. The miraculous as mediocre. The revered as routine. The exceptional as expected. The amazing as average.

I confess I do this all the time. I lose the wonder. I take for granted the blessings I have received at God's hand.

Father, forgive me. I humbly admit to treating 'the holy gifts' as common. Gifts of Your presence...your peace...communion...sacred elements. Lord, you have graced and gifted me, and I am so unworthy. Ignite a renewed passion today. Give me eyes to see. A heart that surrenders, rejoices and stands in awe. Lord there is nothing ordinary, for You are an extraordinary God. I remove my sandals. I'm standing on holy ground.

(I realize this is short today. I did not receive much sleep last night. To read an update on my Dad, please click here: Trying to Believe that No News is Good News. I would appreciate your continued prayers. Thank you.)

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~Trina~ said...


"But be careful not to treat the holy though they were common." Numbers 18:32

Treating the sacred as standard. The divine as daily. The favoured as familiar. The miraculous as mediocre. The revered as routine. The exceptional as expected. The amazing as average.

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Ditto to Trina's thoughts!


Anonymous said...

Beautifully worded, dear Joy! How I never want to take God for granted. I want to wake each and every mornig with a blooming passion for The Word, never just turning my quite time into routine. Our mighty powerful God is living and active in us. Amen!

Prayers & Blessings~Lori - Mesa,AZ