My key?
To my confusion, she replied. When she is going through a difficult or uncertain time she holds an old fashioned key in her hand. On the key is written the reference to John 3:16. She explained that the key helps her remember to focus on the important things...the 'key' things and helps her not to worry. The 'key' encourages her to open her mind's door to the truth that God is in control and that He is with her.
Being a visual girl, I loved this idea.
This morning in our devotional time, God confirmed the importance of having these tangible items of remembrance.
" must make tassels for the hems of your clothing and attach them with a blue cord. When you see the tassels, you will remember and obey all the commands of the LORD...The tassels will help you remember that you must obey all my commands..." Numbers 15:38-40
People have various tricks to jog their memory. My Mom always reverses the order of wedding ring/engagement ring on her finger so that when she looks down and sees them switched around she recalls the reason and it prompts her action. I've heard of people who attach a safety pin to their shirt for the same purpose. I have a beautiful, pink "faith" bracelet that I wear to remind me to pray for my friend Cindy who is fighting cancer. I have a picture of my precious friend Holly on my mantel that invites me to pray for her family every time I see her smiling face. I have a necklace from my dear friend Elaine that reminds me of His peace for my journey. My treasured friend Carol gave me a piece of jewellery that looks like a chain of daisies, reminding me of God's unending love for me. I could just keep going on and on.
What 'tassels of remembrance' do you have sewn into your life as reminders to keep your heart focused on Him? This adornment on the Isrealites clothing not only drew their attention, but issued an invitation for obedience. The tassels became an outward sign of an inner surrender that prompted a faithful following.
As I close today, I ask for your prayers for my Dad. I wrote about my heart for my Daddy here last night. Carrying my key. So thankful for my God who holds all the keys.
Praying for God's mighty hand and miracles to grace your lives today.
This is very important to me today, I too love a visual of His presence! I will see Him today, thank you!
I am praying for you dear father, Joy. I love the idea of the key. What a precious way to help keep our eyes on HIm.
I'm a visual person also and have several items at the office but none that stays with me all the time. I wonder how your father is doing? The pictures of your father and family are beautiful!
This is Alexa's dream to get my bracelets out to remind the world to pray for me. Thank you so much for walking with us
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