Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Beyond My Wildest Dreams!

"...No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Corinthians 2:9b

In my wildest dreams I never would have guessed what God had in store for me that day. My husband and I arrived at the airport and all too soon the necessary check-ins where accomplished and it was time to say goodbye. I was headed to North Carolina for the Proverbs 31 "She Speaks" conference and flying alone for the first time. I might have been smiling on the outside, but inside I was feeling pretty hesitant. A quick hug and kiss and I turned to walk through the security doors - each step a step of faith.

Not being a seasoned traveller, finding my departure gate was an adventure. Thankfully the Lord directed me to a sign indicating I needed to board a bus that would take me to another building and I would then be on my way. Once I was seated in the correct terminal there was nothing more to do but wait and pray...and pray some more. I had brought with me 31 pages of typed Bible verses, prayers and words of encouragement that friends, family and Proverbs 31 ministry staff had sent to strengthen me along the way. Truths to treasure. More than sentences on a page, they were promises that spoke of victory already accomplished. I cherished each assurance and clung to every word, breathing in the testimony of triumph they conveyed as I trusted the Lord.

With each passing minute, fear increased. Flying had me terrified! Time was an enemy, constantly reminding me of the challenge ahead. I sat praying for God's peace to envelop me and praising Him for what He was going to do.

Suddenly my attention was drawn to a gal walking by. My heart skipped a beat. Gathering my belongings, I followed after her, calling her name..."Lorie". She turned. We embraced. I had a friend. God was not going to make me face this journey alone. He had provided the sweet surprise of a travelling companion. Lorie and I had attended school together in Grades 7 and 8, but I had probably only seen her about half a dozen times in the 30 years that had passed until this moment. What fun it was to sit and reminisce. My heart was overflowing.

As we stood in response to the boarding call, Lorie asked me where I was seated on the plane. I told her I was near the front - aisle 2. She explained to me that her seat had been chosen and booked weeks ago, but when she arrived at the airport that morning, she had been told that her seat had to be changed. She was disappointed as the small, 50-seater plane was far from filled to capacity and she couldn't understand why they would assign her a different seat. I knew instantly! As she pulled out her boarding pass to see where she was now located, can you believe the joy that exploded like fireworks in my heart when we discovered that God had moved her right beside me!

On my friends, never doubt what God can do! God was still asking me to trust Him, but He was providing such wonderful evidence of His love for me. Could He have asked me to travel alone? Most definitely yes. But, in His great compassion and care He saw my timid heart and said, "Dear Joy, I see how you have taken these difficult steps to trust Me. If only you had realized all along that I was always going to make a way for you. If only you would trust My heart. Before you had even registered for the Conference, I had chosen a friend to travel with you on your journey from fear to faith. Where I guide, I will provide. You can believe My promises. I have good plans in store for you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Fall into My embrace and let Me carry you the rest of your days, in peace and calm assurance that I will never leave you or forsake you. I gave My life for you, My precious child, don't doubt My provision any longer. I love you so very much!"

With a heart of reckless abandon, I found my seat. God was going to fly me to heights unknown as my plane sped down the runway.

"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us..." Ephesians 3:20

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