Sunday, June 16, 2024

Watching and Waiting

"Joyful are those who listen to me, watching for me daily at my gates, waiting for me outside my home!" Proverbs 8:34

Oh how I anticipated his arrival! Excitement filled my heart! It was almost time! Clock watching. Window peering. Any second now his car should be appearing. Suddenly my eyes caught sight of the one for whom I'd been waiting. A squeal of delight accompanied the sound of running footsteps as I hurried to swing the door open. In just a moment I would be giggling with delight, held in the arms of the one I was longing to see. Daddy was home.

This memory flooded back this morning as I read the verse from Proverbs. Watching daily at the gates. Waiting at the doors. As a child, every afternoon was the same. The expectancy never waned. It never became routine or tiresome. Neither did the pleasure found in the moment of first sight. Happiness swells in my heart even now as I close my eyes and relive the absolute elation of welcoming daddy home.

I'm sorry if your upbringing was such that you find it difficult to relate to my illustration of the joy and anticipation of your father arriving home, but possibly you have seen the following on a news broadcast. The Royal Family is going to appear on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. Sometimes days in advance, people begin to line the streets and press into the gates outside their home. Fans willingly forfeit sleep and comfort to catch a glimpse of those they love and hold in such high regard. Or maybe, for you it would be a television personality or musician.

Are we as eager to learn from the wisdom of God's Word? Do we anticipate seeing Jesus with as much joy? Do we look for His presence in our life day to day? How would watching daily at the gates and waiting outside wisdom's home look today?

Eugene Peterson's translation, The Message, reframes the verse this way: "Blessed the man, blessed the woman, who listen to me, awake and ready for me each morning, alert and responsive as I start my day's work."

Proverbs is admonishing us that these are the efforts we need to expend to pursue the wisdom that God offers. Do we begin our day with the anticipation of meeting and seeing the Lord in His Word? Do we daily spend time with Him? Are we, as Peterson expresses it, "awake and ready", "alert and responsive" to God's activity all around us? Have we neglected the time it takes to watch at the gates and wait at the doors?

Throughout the book of Proverbs, wisdom is personified as always being at God's side, from the beginning of creation. Wisdom shifts from being a concept, to something very personal and attainable. We don't just respond to an idea or theory when we walk in wisdom's way, but we are tuning our ears to a voice that is offering guidance. The intense desire with which we approach receiving this instruction should be accompanied with delight, and when we follow wisdom's ways, the result is living joyfully.

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I want to be awake and ready, alert and responsive. Lord, fill my heart with a greater passion to watch and wait. Renew my excitement as I pull back the curtains of complacency and increase my anticipation for the sound of Your footsteps in my life. Teach me to discern Your voice and submit to Your ways with a willing heart. May Your wisdom govern my days and may I diligently give attention to all Your instruction, resulting in a deep-seated joy that comes from knowing You and following in obedience. I long for my life to reflect the abiding happiness that comes from watching and waiting with You in Your Word. Begin afresh today this work as I respond to wisdom's invitation.

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