Wednesday, June 12, 2024

More Than Words

"For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God's power." 1 Corinthians 4:20

I'm sure you are all familiar with the expression "talk is cheap". We can quickly respond in the affirmative but the truth is in the action. Another rhyme I've heard is, "Your talk talks, and your walk talks, but your walk talks louder than your talk talks." A bit of a tongue twister, but again the emphasis is that words alone are not as convincing or as valuable as deeds. Words come easy. Doing can be hard.

I enjoy writing, so for me the verbal finds voice effortlessly, but the follow-through can be more difficult. I speak "Christianese" well, being immersed in this familiar dialect since birth. I can fill in the blanks in Bible Study and give the expected answer. Just recently I was with my son while he was reading Bible stories as part of my grandson's bedtime routine. Every question he asked, his darling little three-year-old answered, "Jesus". We are trained to speak the language of the godly from a young age, but it is "fruit" that gives evidence that our lives are more than words.

"For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God's power." Living by God's power. That is moment by moment, breathing in, breathing out, alive by His power. Do we fully understand that His presence in us provides His power through us? Evidence of God's power activated in us is proportionate to the attacks of the enemy against us. It is a fact that if we are moving in God's power, Satan will be opposing us, as our lives become a threat to the prince of darkness. He hates to see the work of God advancing.

Living by God's power always moves us outside our personal comfort zones. It often involves taking risks and going on adventures. God's power will place us in situations, lead us to destinations and stretch our limitations for the purpose of His revelation. It doesn't have to be heading to the mission field in a faraway country. It could be the courage to share Christ with our neighbour, try out for the volleyball team, or invite our boss for dinner. It is facing trials with peace, responding to unwelcomed news with acceptance and holding on to hope through grief. It is joy in the midst of pain and trust in the midst of uncertainty. It enables us to wait well in a long grocery line or sit patiently in traffic. It stops us from yelling at our children or being annoyed at our coworker. It is when the very energy of God Himself infuses us to do something beyond our own ability, giving supernatural and divine strength, wisdom, and skill to accomplish tasks or respond to situations in a way far outside our own reach.

We have to learn to cease relying on our own efforts and resources. Our power only extends so far, but God's power is limitless. It boggles my mind when I try to fathom that the same power that raised Christ from the dead lives in us! Do our lives give evidence of so great a gift? As I write this, I am seeing God's power on display through the life of my friend Luann and her husband Dwight. After experiencing a medical emergency while vacationing in Italy almost a month ago, at this very moment she is sharing pictures as they travel back to the United States. Each photo is a testimony of God's power. He is all I see as I view airplanes, runways and lift-off. His power that sustained them each day is bringing them home!

When faced with impossibilities we rely on God's power by faith. It doesn't matter how inadequate or ill-equipped we are, if Christ resides within us, we have the assurance of His incredible help at all times. I don't want my life to only be good intentions. Professions must see their fulfillment in reality. Today I am wearing my "Living With Power" t-shirt, the name of a ministry I support, and praying that this visual will be a reminder that this truth is more than words.

What will the Holy Spirit lead you to do because of the truth of God's power in you? Will you allow Him to be seen and glorified through your life today?

"A person's true spiritual character is not determined by the impressiveness of his words but by the power of his life." John MacArthur

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