Saturday, June 22, 2024

Unexpected Sources

"Then the LORD said to Elijah....'eat what the ravens bring you, for I have commanded them to bring you food.' So Elijah did as the LORD told him..." 1 Kings 17:2, 4b-5a

To demonstrate God's power over Baal, the god of weather, the prophet Elijah has just spoken a forecast of draught to King Ahab. After speaking this word in the power and strength of the Lord, God instructs Elijah to head east and hide in the Kerith Brook. The brook will supply water to drink and ravens will be his "Uber Eats". God chose these birds as couriers to deliver bread and meat to Elijah morning and evening.

Ravens are considered unclean. They are scavengers, and though not truly classified as birds of prey, they have been granted the title of "honourary raptors". In my brief study of the bird, I read that they were created more for holding and grasping than killing. Isn't that interesting. Ravens were designed with a specific ability to fulfill the very task God has placed before them. Every bite that Elijah ate came from the beak of a foul fowl. What if Elijah had rejected this provision, passing judgement on them because of their reputation, being portrayed as creatures who bring death and darkness? God can use anything and anyone. For just a moment, I want us to consider how spiritual food can come via unusual vessels too.

As a child just entering my early teens, the early morning routine in our home was always hectic. Being awakened by 6am every day, my twin sister and I took turns, each having an hour of piano practice before heading to school. The other constant was the television tuned to "The PTL Club". Just hearing that name may conjure up a variety of responses. This broadcast from Heritage Village, South Carolina, primarily hosted by Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, featured a variety of evangelists including Rev. Dr. Billy Graham as well as many Christian artists. Scandal, fraud and conspiracy are now synonymous with their names, but back in the late 1970's and early 80's God used the music and teaching from this program to ignite a passion for Him in the lives of two teenage girls as they daily headed off to High School. My sister and I still talk about it today. The Lord used this ministry so powerfully in our lives that we financially supported it monthly and enjoyed several holidays on the grounds of this iconic Christian theme park. 

I use this example, not to defame any names further, but to give personal testimony that it is possible for God to bring His Word to us through unconventional methods. Flamboyant and charismatic, the Bakker's are just one example in a line-up of Christian personalities who God has used outside "the norm". They now may have faced moral failure, bankruptcy or acknowledgment of involvement in other illegal acts, generating outrage and controversy, yet I will never dismiss, and always be grateful for the impact the PTL Club had in drawing me closer to the Lord.

Elijah obeyed the Lord and ate the manna He sent via an unexpected messenger. We certainly need to be discerning, but we must also not be too quick to criticize any method God uses to reach our hearts. Holding to traditional ideas may lead us to starvation. Long before the eventual exposure of shameful secrets surrounding Jim and Tammy Faye, our family ceased supporting the ministry. It broke my heart to watch as they began embracing unbiblical, ungodly ways, but it never diminished the time the Lord used them in my life.

Just recently I was enjoying an afternoon visit with a friend when she began listing names of Christian evangelists and teachers whom she felt have "fallen from grace". I can't deny that some names mentioned have chosen a pathway that has publicly exposed their sin, but if they are true believers, repentance will restore grace. Despite this, there is no denying that through their sharing of the gospel, God has used them to draw many to respond to His message of salvation. If God can use ravens, don't discount anyone from being commanded by God to provide what we need. Our role is to be obedient and eat, even if the "food" is served to us from unexpected sources.

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