Sunday, June 2, 2024

Wisdom's Invitation

"Wisdom shouts in the streets. She cries out in the public square. She calls to the crowds along the main street, to those gathered in front of the city gate...'Come and listen to my counsel. I'll share my heart with you and make you wise.'" Proverbs 1:20, 21, 23

My mom often prayed for wisdom, and then for wisdom to use the wisdom she was given. Sometimes it's not that we don't know the right thing to do, we just don't want to do it. This shines very clear in the book of Proverbs. Wisdom is not trying to conceal itself, but reveal itself. Biblical wisdom is looking at something from God's viewpoint and responding with God's character in the everyday moments of life.

Wisdom invites us continually to follow her direction. She "shouts", "cries out" and "calls" desiring that all have the ability to make correct judgements and follow the best course of action based on knowledge and understanding. Wisdom doesn't hide or whisper, but lifts her voice continually, not just in churches or places saints gather for prayer, but "in the streets", "in the public square", along the main street", and "in front of the city gate." She uses public forums to declare life changing truths, making her message available to everyone. With the noise trying to compete with her cries, only those who are truly desiring to hear what she has to say will tune their ears to listen and their hearts to obey.

Why do we so desperately need wisdom? We are a people who no longer exercise common sense. To illustrate this, have you ever read some of the warning labels on products you purchase? Let me share just a few. "On a hair dryer: Do not use while sleeping. On an iron: Do not iron clothes on body. On a chainsaw: Do not attempt to stop chain with your hand." Seriously? We need to be told those things? 

I'll admit to being a fan of "People's Court" with Judge Marilyn Milian. I have gleaned a lot of good advice from watching program episodes. Many times it's not the law that's needed, but good, ordinary reasoning. I often shake my head at the situations these people become involved in. Using even just a little intellect would have spared them from the event that now necessitates judiciary intervention. Like wisdom in the book of Proverbs, logic is ignored, rejected, mocked and hated.

I am fully convinced that the Word of God speaks into every situation, decision and topic we will deal with in life. In every circumstance we can open the Bible and find answers to questions regarding justice, discipline, gender identity, abortion, euthanasia, marriage, work ethic and any other subject we have to address. Not only do we find general direction, but specific guidance. Yet, like a small, hungry child who pushes the plate of food away because the meal wasn't what they desired, we reject wisdom that goes against our taste. 

The question is not so much is there wisdom to be found, but will we follow wisdom's instruction? Oh, how we need hearts willing to listen and obey the commands of the Lord. Nothing in God's Word is arbitrary. All is necessary. There is not one idle word. Our adherence to wisdom doesn't yield perfect lives, but perfect peace as we rest in the assurance we are walking in the counsel of the Lord.

Wisdom offers herself everywhere and to everyone. We have no excuse as God is earnest in sharing direction and insight with us. So many consequences are avoidable by how we respond to wisdom's invitation. Every day we have the ability and opportunity to open God's Word and know His will. I pray continually for the Lord to help me correctly interpret His Word by the power of His Spirit so that my words here don't unintentionally lead anyone astray. When my words let you down, God's Word is trustworthy.  He is faithful and His Word and His wisdom endures. How will you RSVP today?

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