Tuesday, June 4, 2024


"Then King David went in and sat before the LORD and prayed, 'Who am I, O Sovereign LORD, and what is my family, that You have brought me this far?" 2 Samuel 7:18

"Oh God, oh God, I'm, I'm overwhelmed."

If you've ever watched the movie "Facing the Giants", the quote above should sound familiar. In a powerfully touching scene, after a season of rejection, disappointments, loss, inadequacy, financial strain, broken vehicles, job insecurity and infertility, the Lord begins showering blessings upon a young couple who have faithfully continued to walk with Him, declaring their love for Him even if all their personal desires go unfulfilled. Suddenly being the recipients of God's lavish love in tangible ways, with head in hands and tears flowing, they feel inadequate to express their thanks to the Lord for all He has done.

David is responding similarly after Nathan the prophet delivers to him a word from the Lord. Overwhelmed by the goodness of God in all that has been spoken, David immediately sits before the Lord in prayer. I'm guessing tears might have been the first words spoken. 

For reasons we may never understand, God blesses us unexpectedly, opens doors, and brings opportunities causing us to publicly declare our praise to Him. There are also times, when like David, God does something so personal and speaks so intimately, we are left momentarily speechless. Overcome by His presence and goodness, we fall to our knees in worship knowing we are so unworthy.

"What more can I say to You? You know what Your servant is really like, Sovereign LORD. Because of Your promise and according to Your will, You have done all these great things and have made them known to Your servant." (2 Samuel 7:20-21)

Recognizing how undeserving we are, proportionately we know the goodness of God falling on us far surpasses anything we could ever imagine. David goes on to express, "And as if this were not enough in Your sight, O Sovereign LORD, You have also..." 

I have sat with David in the "also's" as an unworthy recipient of God's favour and mercy. His love poured out on me humbles and ruins me from following any lesser loves. When I see the magnitude of His care, the richness of His grace, the depth of His forgiveness and the cost of His sacrifice, being overwhelmed by Him shouldn't just happen occasionally but constantly.

Sadly, too many think of the word "overwhelmed" in negative terms, feeling burdened by life and situations they can't control. In searching for the meaning and origin of the word, I discovered a synonym was "submerged" or being "washed over" or "turned upside down". 1 John 1:9 tells us that this is exactly what Christ does. When we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all our sin. We are "washed over" by the blood of Jesus and our lives are "turned upside down", undone in the best possible way, never the same again.

When was the last time you couldn't run to God fast enough, overwhelmed by His goodness; His goodness in who He is, and who He is to you had your heartbeat racing and your joy overflowing? Be careful not to minimize or take all the Lord has done for you for granted. 

"How great You are, O Sovereign LORD! There is no one like You. We have never even heard of another God like You!" (2 Samuel 7:22)

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