Wednesday, June 5, 2024

What's So Simple About Trust?

"Trust in and rely confidently on the LORD with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way]." Proverbs 3:5-6 Amplified

The book of Proverbs is filled with wise principles that describe life as we are intended to live it. Following the advice recorded in these 31 chapters, the majority passed down through Solomon, gives guidance to many of the situations we face day by day.

Many years ago, my mom set an example for my sisters and I as she read through the book of Proverbs every month, every year. Reading the numbered chapter that corresponds with the day of the month enables a dozen readings of this book annually. Although not promises, the precepts contained here bring insight in how to respond to circumstances we encounter.

For those of us who grew up in the church, the verses above are very familiar. Often quoted, memorized and recited they are meant to direct our focus and encourage our hearts. This year, the Lord has drawn my attention to deepening my trust in Him. It's so easy to say we trust the Lord, but how is that evidenced in my life? Certainly it is not in sleepless nights, anxious thoughts and racing heart.

Do you remember "trust building games" as kids? I think the "trust fall" was one of the most popular. You would break off into pairs and one person would blindly fall back into the waiting arms of the receiver. To trust in the Lord is to consciously throw yourself into the arms of Jesus, helpless, surrendered, and yielded completely to Him. I read that to trust in the Lord is to lean on Him so thoroughly that if He fails, you sink. It's having absolute confidence in who He is, knowing that however He provides His presence remains with us and come what may He will never leave or forsake us.

Trust is nothing more than a word until it is tested. The truth of trust is evidenced in our response to anything that is out of our control. If a Christ-follower is asked, "Do you trust God?", without wavering their response will immediately be 'yes', yet until they actually have to exercise the trust muscle, they don't realize there is more to trust than assent in belief.

Deciding to depend on God and not on ourselves, committing to acknowledging and honouring Him in everything, is the pathway to knowing His direction. Clear proof of trust is when God interrupts your day, changing your plans, doing something contrary to your desires. How do you respond? Do you have confidence in the sovereign control of God in every detail?  

I believe it was Saint Justin Martyr, an early Christian apologist, who said this: "The greatest grace God can give someone is to send him a trial he cannot bear with his own powers - and then sustain him with His grace so he may endure to the end and be saved." 

The old hymn lyrics make it sound easy, and although "Simply trusting every day...trusting Jesus that is all" is the ultimate goal, we will often still struggle to hold the reins of our lives. When we finally learn that leaning on our understanding leaves us with just a partial appreciation of the situation, and when we grow in the knowledge of the goodness and love of God, acknowledging Him in everything, trust will grow. To the measure I trust and acknowledge God, He will direct my path.

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