Wednesday, June 26, 2024

How's Your Eyesight?

"'Don't be afraid!' Elisha told him. 'For there are more on our side than on theirs!' Then Elisha prayed, 'O LORD, open his eyes and let him see!' The LORD opened the young man's eyes, and when he looked up, he saw that the hillside around Elisha was filled with horses and chariots of fire." 2 Kings 6:16-17

Opening Facebook while making my coffee early this morning, one of the very first posts I read shared the following: "It's my middle of the night praise time. Allow me to share some tender moments. God opened my eyes to see His hand at work." This dear friend then listed several evidences of God's care for she and her family over the past weeks as they have endured a very difficult journey. The Lord revealed how her way has been marked with His grace and held in His care. Often this awakening to His presence and provision comes in the "middle of our nights". Amidst the trial and challenges we are walking God opens our eyes to see His hand at work.

Elisha the prophet had been repeatedly warning the king of Israel of the attack plans of the king of Aram. When he is discovered as the "secret informant", the king of Aram sends a great army on a mission to find and seize Elisha in order to silence him. Scripture says, "When the servant of the man of God got up early the next morning and went outside, there were troops, horses, and chariots everywhere. 'Oh, sir, what will we do now?' the young man cried to Elisha." It is into this situation and cry of distress that Elisha lifts a prayer to the Lord, asking that his servant's eyes be opened to see the help that God already had in place.

This is such an absolutely beautiful prayer. Elisha is such a caring prophet. We see this reflected in his actions that testify to the meaning of his name, "God saves." He provided for the physical health of others, he helped the poor widow and her two boys, he blessed a childless couple with a son, he healed Naaman of leprosy. Many of his miracles were personal, often touching lives one-by-one, bringing restoration. God led him to target the inner depth of each heart, to bring revelation.

In the tender and powerful prayer Elisha lifted to the Lord on behalf of his servant, the prophet longs for this young man to see the work of God. Oh, how many times have we asked a similar request? Lord, just let me see what You are doing. I'm frightened, alone, confused. Please show me that You are working on my behalf. Any little sign will do.

In an act of complete grace God does open the servant's eyes. The young man looks up to suddenly see the hillside filled with an army of God. Friends, our lives too are surrounded by the God of Hosts. Sometimes we just need better "eyesight".

During the years our son was growing up in our home, there was a picture that hung over his bed. It was a painting by Ron Dicianni entitled "Spiritual Warfare". With his little boy sound asleep, a father kneels beside his son's bed, head bowed in prayer. Behind him an open window reveals activity in the heavenlies. We glimpse angel armies at war, battling for the heart of the child as the Daddy's prayer is lifted. Prayer, the most powerful weapon in the battle.

We often do not have the ability to see the everyday war between the physical and spiritual realm, but God is working. There are things He is doing on our behalf even in this very moment. Elisha's young servant was terrified, thinking that life was lost.  Imagine his change of heart when God gave him spiritual eyes to see the divine support behind him and the victory before him. New hope was birthed.

In our "what will we do now" moments, Lord, open our eyes and let us see!

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