Friday, June 7, 2024

Keeping Pace

"So David and his men continued down the road, and Shimei kept pace with them on a nearby hillside, cursing and throwing the stones and dirt at David. The king and all who were with him grew weary along the way, so they rested when they reached the Jordan River." 2 Samuel 16:13-14

David encounters a violent, insolent man named Shimei, who throws both stones and curses at him. Although the stones make contact, it was the words that made impact. David begins to question whether all Shimei is saying is true and he is only getting what he deserves. The strain of the emotional and physical abuse is exhausting and it "kept pace" with David as he travelled.

There are times when it truly feels that hardship and heartache keep pace with us. We can't seem to get out from under the umbrella of difficulty. Whether it's external cruelty or internal conflict, it's walking at the same speed of each one of our footsteps with continual attacks, wearing us down and making us discouraged.

We all face seasons of hardship and it is essential that we find ways to endure. When adversity is accompanying us continually, I've often heard it said that just getting out of bed in the morning is the greatest accomplishment of the day. John Piper has said that "when our heart is breaking, we must labour with a broken instrument."

How do we keep living day by day when drowning in affliction? When unrelenting criticism, accusations, uncertainties, confusion, hopelessness, rejection and disappointment are "keeping pace" with our days and it's hard to exhale, how do we get out from under the blanket of slander and suffering?

Again we return to the sovereignty of God, even over the missiles of curses, stones and dirt. Trusting in God's sovereignty is what sustains us as believers. Knowing that He is good and faithful and that hardship is personally measured out by His hand, even though dreaded and desired to be avoided, it can be the best teacher, drawing us to places of great intimacy with the Lord. Although we may feel forsaken, we are not forgotten and God's unexpected power falls on us as we experience Him in new and personal ways.

The dark days also strengthen us for future use. When others watch us leaning on the Lord and trusting in Him even when the way is cold and questionable, they see God and are encouraged in their own walks through the wilderness. God utilizes ever trial for His glory, and often our response to the testing we experience is being observed and empowering another in the challenges they are facing.

I love that David recognized his need for rest when the battle became too much. It seems we so often prioritize everything but rest. We feel guilty for pausing when we are overwhelmed and unable to handle the demands before us. We push ourselves to try and rush ahead of the pace of our hardship, believing that stopping won't accomplish anything. We see rest as weakness. God sees it as survival.

When we are the target of curses, stones and dirt being hurled from a nearby hillside, and it is tireless and tiring we must run, as David expressed in Psalm 61, to the rock who is higher than I and find our rest in Him. Be encouraged, and take a deep breath my friend. Although it sometimes seems like struggles and sorrows will last forever, they are temporary. God promises that one day they will be no more, and everlasting joy will be upon our heads. (Isaiah 51:11)

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