Friday, June 14, 2024

Unrivaled Faith!

"A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other...The same Spirit gives great faith..." 1 Corinthians 12:7, 9a

Full disclosure. I always squirm when the topic of spiritual gifts arises. I have completed multiple surveys and assessments that help to identify these special manifestations of the Spirit, and to be honest, I'm not sure I've ever landed on one that "sticks". I firmly believe that every believer has at least one spiritual gift, but recognizing it can be a challenge.

These gifts come to us given from grace, not because of anything we have earned. They cannot be refused, but they can be misused. Their intent is for the Spirit of God to be evidenced through us. Their focus is not self. They are a unique enablement that makes Christ visible, benefiting others.

As I read the list of some of the supernatural abilities that can be imparted to believers, "great faith" jumped off the page to me. I don't think I've ever paused to consider what this means. This is not the faith to believe for salvation or the ongoing work of sanctification, all believers experience that faith. No, this is an exceptional faith. A commentary I read said that this faith provides believers with an "extraordinary confidence in God's promises, power and presence." The spiritual gift of faith is exhibited by one with a strong and unshakable assurance in God and His Word. 

Examples of the gift of faith are seen through the lives of those listed in Hebrews 11. We read of their lives and marvel at the stands they took for Christ as their actions put God on display. There are still those who unwaveringly trust the Lord and take steps of obedience empowered by Him, actions that stretch far beyond their personal capabilities.

The person possessing this gift of faith looks beyond reality and reason, believing in a revelation from the Lord. When circumstances seem impossible, they have an unusual hope that things could change in a moment and God step in to alter direction. Those entrusted with this gift have a higher measure of the ordinary grace of faith.

God uses the folks with this gift to be an inspiration and encouragement to others within the body of believers. As they rely resolutely on God's Word, they often unknowingly project a humble godliness, being quietly fearless and passionate in their walk with the Lord, bringing with them a joy that radiates and an encouragement that empowers others. "They are so convinced that all obstacles to the gospel and to God's purposes will be overcome and so confident that God will secure the advancement of His cause, that they will often do far more in the promotion of His kingdom than the most talented and erudite preachers and teachers."  (

I was listening to a podcast almost exactly two years ago when the speaker suddenly said, "Joy... I'll tell you, her determination to press us towards Jesus is unrivaled. Unrivaled! Her joy for the Lord is unrivaled, and I'm telling you guys what has established this friendship is the spirit of prayer and the presence of the Holy Spirit....I've never met Joy and I consider her one of my close friends. She knows more about my life than most people and I value that friendship."

This wasn't any "Joy". This was me. This is the "gift of faith" I couldn't identify in myself that is unrivaled, matchless and unequaled. I love that this dear friend connected it as coming from the Holy Spirit. This faith surpasses what is "normal" and is recognized as unparalleled. It's not something an individual can just summon up on their own, it is divinely imparted by the Spirit, and He alone is seen and glorified.

How my heart thrills in finally coming to understand that God has given me the spiritual gift of faith! May I continue to be an instrument in His hands to encourage others to believe God and trust Him for all things!

Link to podcast:

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