Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Evidence of God's Presence

"...the glorious presence of the LORD filled the Temple of the LORD." 1 Kings 8:11b

David's son, King Solomon, along with the skill of talented craftsman, has completed the construction of the Temple of the LORD. After the priests carry the Ark of the Lord's Covenant into the inner sanctuary, the Most Holy Place, a thick cloud fills the Temple of the LORD. This is the cloud of God's very presence. It so completely fills this sacred space that the priests are unable to continue their service. It must have been an absolutely incredible and breathtaking experience. Imagine, God's presence so intense that work had to cease. God's extreme presence rendered "normal" work impossible!

As believers, each one of us is a temple of the Lord, and His presence abides in us. Have we allowed His filling to envelop us completely, and are we even aware of His indwelling? Is there any evidence that the God of the universe has totally invaded our lives? What does a life look like that is filled with His presence?

Lives that are marked by the presence of God are activated for impact! By the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord's presence in us is made manifest in ways that extend further than our natural ability. I just recently read a thought that encouraged believers they can walk into any room with confidence, not because we ourselves have any greatness, but we carry within us the presence of our Holy God and therefore have great value, being chosen, worthy and enough.

A person fully surrendered to the Lord and filled with His presence experiences promptings and providential encounters that have nothing to do with themselves, and everything to do with God. They look on happenings with awe, knowing absolutely nothing but the presence of God within them could begin to explain their responses, reactions or situations. The two words they repeat over and over as they shake their head in wonder, "only God, only God!"

When we are filled to the full measure with Christ, the fruit of His Spirit reaches out to others, accepting the hard, embracing the unlovable, finding contentment in less, turning the cheek, giving without restraint and holding unwaveringly to hope. God in us empowers us to live beyond ourselves.

Sadly, most of our lives are marked by our own presence. In a world filled with many reigning "self's" with limited power, we attempt little and accomplish less. The presence of God is more than a theory that is believed, it is a truth to be lived. When God's presence fills a life, the atmosphere changes. It can't remain the same. David tells us in Psalm 16:11 that living in His presence brings fulness of joy. Evidence of God's presence is a life characterized by His joy expressed through us.

Another measurement of His presence is rest. In Exodus God told Moses, "My presence will go with you and I will give you rest" (Exodus 33:14). A supernatural rest testifies to God's presence in us. We aren't striving and trying, rushing and weary, we are believing and trusting. Anxiety, worry, doubt, fear and concern are indicators that we have forgotten God and His presence in us.

God's indwelling should be visible to others. Our lives should be different. He empowers us in a way that is uncommon. Both believers and unbelievers who watch our lives should be remarking, as did the army commander to Abraham, "God is with you in everything you do" (Genesis 21:22). That defines a life filled with His presence.

It comes down to this. It is impossible for God to just give us part of His presence. He's an "all in" God. What is possible is for us to be living with less than He has made available because we have not yielded all of ourselves to all of Him. Will you take that step of full surrender today?

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