Monday, June 3, 2024

God's Unconventional and Unexpected Ways

"When you hear a sound like marching feet in the tops of the poplar trees, be on the alert! That will be the signal that the LORD is moving ahead of you to strike down the Philistine army." 2 Samuel 5:24

The Philistines have returned again and David inquires of the Lord regarding what to do. The Lord advises David not to attack the enemy straight on, but to circle around behind and assault the foe near the poplar trees. To this God adds an incredible direction. When you hear the sound of feet marching in the top of the trees, know it's time to act. The God of hosts was there and ready. His army is everywhere, springing into action to aid His children anytime.

David and his men were told to wait until they heard the prompt from the Lord. Trusting God's timing can be difficult, but His ways are always best and He often appears unexpectedly and unconventionally. Christ breaks through all cultural norms and methods to come to us in times of need.

Watching an online church service recently the morning began with the Pastor standing on the platform surrounded by "yellow shirts". A team of volunteers, holding buckets stood smiling around him as he spoke. Apparently, without any prior announcement or fanfare, this happens quarterly. Because of the financial blessings this body of believers has received, four times a year they give back to the attendees. The containers filled with money were then passed throughout the congregation and anyone experiencing a monetary need was encouraged to remove the amount that would pay the bill or buy the groceries. I watched in amazement. Imagine walking into church that day having previously prayed for God to supply, burdened with knowing your bank account couldn't cover the invoices that were mounting but trusting Him to provide. Never in your wildest dreams did you imagine this was how the Lord would bring relief to your need.

We don't know how God will appear to us, calling up His resources to supply for our lack, and it doesn't have to just be financial. The meal He will deliver. The new friend we will meet. The door of ministry He will open. The job He will supply. The breakthrough He will bring. The enemy He will conquer. We have to quit putting God in a box, limiting Him to our human understanding and anticipate His coming and leading.

Year ago I completed the Bible study "Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby and Claude King. One of the main teachings in that study is that God is always working. When the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to see where He is moving, that is our invitation to join Him in His activity. We can't restrict God or assume He will show up according to ways we expect to encounter Him. We need to be listening for the rustling of leaves in trees.

Father, I love that You go ahead, and my role is to follow. The sound of the marching army was not only evidence of Your presence and an invitation for personal involvement, but a declaration of victory to come. Lord, since You are always working, please give me eyes to see and ears to hear what You are doing so that I can experience You and join You. I confess when I have wanted You to join me as I march through my own plans, thinking I know what is best and I miss the sound of Your footsteps. You are poised waiting to take the lead. Help me stay attentive and watchful. Your moving should then move me.

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